New Grower Grunt's Third Grow

Update 5/17/18 Day 32 Group Shot

I gave everyone a fairly nice haircut yesterday morning to expose all of the bud sites, the picture is this morning, so about 24 hours later. Everyone seems quite happy. The Northern Lights was a mess from it's life so far, so I figured I may as well see how tough she really is and hack the shit out of it. I am quite surprised she is this happy today, bottom left corner. The Kush is back left and still very happy, but needs more adjustment on the LST to open things back up. Jack Herer is back right and a beautiful grower, can't wait to grow a full house of these ladies in one bed :) And the Quick One is front right and very happy as well besides a tiny bit of leaf twist from it being blustery up front of the fans. I am going to flip spots with her and the Northern Lights next time I spray foliar feeds, that should help quite a bit. I also need to move my small fans to hanging positions and remove the makeshift table. Have fun growing!

Update 5/21/18 Day 36 Group Shot

All plants are happy but in need of a drink and some adjustment to the tie downs. Still have not moved my small fans to hanging positions yet as other projects came first, but it is high on my priorities list. The plants are gradually filling out and seem healthy and it smells like a very nice mixture of strains in there. The Quick One is past her halfway point and should be done in just about 3 weeks, nice little buds forming in quite a few spots. The Kush and Jack Herer are both stacking up with pistils in lots of spots. Northern Lights is smelling nice and growing more pistils each day. This week will be last Bloom Khaos foliar feeding for the Kush and Jack. NL can probably go one more week worth at current rate of growth. Have fun growing everyone!

Thanks Blanch, I wish I had done it slightly different, such as where I planted the Northern Lights, but it was all experimental and I have learned a lot so far. I think this diary, so to speak, really helps a lot. I also think that with the temperatures climbing outside (and inside for that matter) next year in the summer I will be all geared up to run photoperiod plants (or a single plant mainlined like mad) so that I can run the lights from like 10pm to 10am. I just changed from 20/4 to 18/6 because of how much it has warmed up here over the last few weeks, just to help keep the temps down a bit (without needing an air conditioner, I can't stand the fake cold air and the freon gives me a migraine). I also think that the longer dark period has definitely helped increase how quickly the plants produce resins and I also think they grow more quick and healthy. But, I also just happened to read something on here today that suggested the auto's aren't nearly as dependent on direct light as people seem to think, and now my thoughts on my observations of better/healthier growth are reaffirmed to me as it seems other people are having similar experiences.
Thanks Blanch, I wish I had done it slightly different, such as where I planted the Northern Lights, but it was all experimental and I have learned a lot so far. I think this diary, so to speak, really helps a lot. I also think that with the temperatures climbing outside (and inside for that matter) next year in the summer I will be all geared up to run photoperiod plants (or a single plant mainlined like mad) so that I can run the lights from like 10pm to 10am. I just changed from 20/4 to 18/6 because of how much it has warmed up here over the last few weeks, just to help keep the temps down a bit (without needing an air conditioner, I can't stand the fake cold air and the freon gives me a migraine). I also think that the longer dark period has definitely helped increase how quickly the plants produce resins and I also think they grow more quick and healthy. But, I also just happened to read something on here today that suggested the auto's aren't nearly as dependent on direct light as people seem to think, and now my thoughts on my observations of better/healthier growth are reaffirmed to me as it seems other people are having similar experiences.

I'm trying that now actually, same as you 18/6.. I always went with 20/4 as well. Your doing great so far, girls looking lush and happy :biggrin:
I read an awful lot on Grow Weed Easy for the last couple of years to train my brain on what I thought seemed important, I think it's paying off for the most part. I like this forum site a lot as you can see what is practically real time progress from other growers, super cool to compare notes and strains, but the tutorials on GWE are laid out in my style, text book, makes it much easier for me to follow and not get sidetracked looking at bud pics.
Update 5/25/18 Day 40 Group Shot

The crew is happy and well fed. Kush is getting her stretch on, should have some nice fat buds and a nice main cola on her (I ran out of room to keep bending her). Jack Herer is starting to get her stretch going as well and smelling like really rich butter :biggrin: Northern Lights is coming along as well, but not as much stretch, smell is mellow. The Quick One is starting to load up with thumbnail sized nuglets and has a nice layer of resin starting to build on the leaves. Happy growing everyone!

5/28/18 Day 43 Group Shot of happy campers just before watering. They are a thirsty lot!


Here is the RQS Quick One up a little more close, followed by a close up of the top of the main cola. Sorry for the cell phone pics!


Seedsman Kush below, started to supercrop that top a bit, got sidetracked smelling the AMAZING Pine-Sol odors all over my hand, then recalled I spun her around so the main top is out of the intense light to prevent needing to supercrop. My last order with Seedsman I passed up my free Seedsman Kush Auto seeds and really regret it now because this plant has really come along and started to impress me.


RQS Jack Herer below, pinched off some lower and center stuff today and this one smells mind blowing. It's like rich butter with a hint of spice, but I can't put my finger on just what spice. Who doesn't love Jack Herer though???


RQS Northern Lights is last but not least, building some nice little flower clusters, hopefully they get super fat!


Have fun growing everyone! :smoking: