New Grower Grunt's Third Grow

@Rollin_along I really think u would love the strain she won't get over 24-26 tall tops ive tried 25 1/2" is best I could do. Royal Queen Quick One Auto fem. Also @Grunt's Garden check out there auto gorilla and critical, I'll be running those in July. Peace
@Rollin_along I really think u would love the strain she won't get over 24-26 tall tops ive tried 25 1/2" is best I could do. Royal Queen Quick One Auto fem. Also @Grunt's Garden check out there auto gorilla and critical, I'll be running those in July. Peace
Sounds perfect for me.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Ive stalked ur journals for a while now @Rollin_along and I just knew this one would be. Winner for ur height restrictions and she is a chunky girl for sure. I think several of their beans are right up ur alley. Big pay offs for small stalky bushes.
How do you find the stone, site says 13% THC and low CBD?
Ive stalked ur journals for a while now @Rollin_along and I just knew this one would be. Winner for ur height restrictions and she is a chunky girl for sure. I think several of their beans are right up ur alley. Big pay offs for small stalky bushes.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Found few people on here and few others on another forum that all agreed it's higher than 13. Imo u can take swag bean and make killer from it if you treat it with love. I tried my buddy's back in December which led me to ordering some initially, I felt it to be above 13 has great energy with it and I was chatting it up after. So a motivated smoke, that has a very relaxing feel in ur limbs, I would say a good bowl lasts 2-5 hour high but relaxing feel for 6hrs. This depends on ur tolerance of course. I think u would be very pleased with it. I think I'm looking at minimum of 150-160g from mine, that is from my knowledge of growing and how much more she has to swell and go. Two weeks of good swell still then be flushing with water for two weeks.
This is what Seedsman says: "This strain has a rather fresh herbal aroma with notes of citrus fruit. THC levels are medium at 13% and the CBD production is low. This gives an effect that is physically relaxing but not too strong."

I got these because I like smoking weed that is citrusy, spicy/herbal, always makes me feel just right when I get that terp combo. And 13% makes me feel like I could burn one anytime of day without going overboard. You guys are making me wish it was late June already ha ha I only have 3 fat nugs left from my Mazar plants, luckily I saved the best for last.
Update 5/15/18 Day 30 RQS Northern Lights

This plant is doing pretty good, she has been beat up a bit... oops, but keeps going nonetheless. Two nice little growth tips are taking over nicely where I broke off one of the real nice ones last week. She hasn't started stretching yet though, so they should both get fairly nice sized still. I keep pulling and spreading the plant apart the best I can without snapping anything else off. Pot was still medium feeling in weight, so I only gave about 250ml of feed today. The plant just made it to the rim and I positioned the "top" of the plant so it would want to curl and follow the edge of the rim in a somewhat natural motion back toward the light. The picture does not reflect this positioning, however.

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Update 5/15/18 Day 30 Seedsman Kush

This plant continues to be like gumby and impresses me with how readily she trains. Growth tips getting long, another week or so before she starts stretching and they should get big real quick. The smell is mellow and piney so far, reminds me of some Humboldt. She also got a small 250ml or so feed of full strength Nectar today. Probably won't foliar spray again for a day or two so the leaves can all realign and get off of each other. You can see I needed to add lots of wire ties for tie down points on this plant. This one is also rotated to force the tip to follow along the rim of the planters, making it easier to tie down on the way. Circular training is being shifted to this Kush plant from the NL, as it seems more naturally able to handle it and use the space fully. I evolve as I go, however, so only time will tell.

Update 5/15/18 Day 30 RQS Jack Herer

This little plant is pretty sweet, I just keep tying her down and she just keeps loving it. Lots of nice upwards growth, I added lots more tie downs here as well to get custom with where I am pulling the branches, just trying to use up the footprint and keep the stem in direct light. I am hoping for another solid week of veg before she starts to stretch, would like the "top" of the plant to wrap at least a third of the way around the pot from where it is now, though that might be asking a lot of a plant only supposed to go 40-60cm tall inside. I should have planted this closer to the edge, but originally I had not thought of LST on this plant at all due to the strain staying fairly short. But now that I see her grow my mind thinks of what I would do different next time for sure. This one will get The Kraken for another week or two until she starts loading up with pistils. Light drinker so far, about 250ml of full strength Nectar.

Update 5/15/18 Day 30 RQS Northern Lights

This plant is in a 1.5L glazed pot and out on my patio, getting 8-10 hours of direct light, depending on if I remember to move it on time. Seems to be growing very well, and since it dries out fast she gets fed again sooner, seems like a pretty good deal. I topped her at the fifth node and she has some nice growth tips that are getting fat and long. I give her about 200ml of full strength Nectar every 1-2 days, and she gets The Kraken and Bloom Khaos both as foliar sprays, that will also cease around the end of stretch.

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