Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

I didn't realise they used that much! Thanks for the info [emoji106]
Hi Elle[emoji482][emoji481]
Yes the 4 foot t5 bulbs are 54 watts each. My 8 bulb fixtures run a lot to operate but cover a large area for that cost a little bit better than a 400 watt HPS not much but the biggest reason is I need to grow slower in the veg cuz I grow so big It just works out better for me right now maybe when I change everything over and get more on a schedule.
Yeah right! like that'll going to happen LoL[emoji482]

[emoji481][emoji482]Harvested the flower room everything was washed and hung cleanest can get now.
So now I'll fungicide the room and wash it down real good kill anything that's in there right now wipe all the lights off dust everything real well and spray everything down.
Then Ill slide those infected plants from The Green Room in there continue treating them for two more weeks and then I'll flip to flower. hopefully by then most of these troubles will be tooken care of[emoji23]
I have ordered 2500 green lacewing larvae they should be here any time to take care of the aphids that I have in the green room and spider mites that I had in a flower and powdery mildew spraying hydrogen peroxide. It's at a bare minimum right now but it's still present.. To whipe it out soon.[emoji482]


Update 10/5
The final pic is of the Bubba Kush that harvested last. It in the center of the pic in the inside drying room.
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So on to cleaning now cleaning out the aphids on my green plants I got my green lacewing larvae this morning they were active in the pouch and ready to get out and eat.
so I shook the pouch down and cut the top open poured some in each envelope hung envelope on each plant and they're going to town now you can watch them eating those aphids.
I'll try and take a pic of the actual act but it's very hard to do. Has their super tiny and hard to see when they're on the plant but some are big enough that you can see them pretty good I have to get my magnifying glass out.

Hey [emoji481][emoji482]Just came up to smoke a bowl of some Citrus super Haze. [emoji297][emoji100][emoji100]
Been cleaning the flower room and transplanted the blueberry into a larger pot. (Pics to come)

It very dirty down there didn't realize how dirty it had gotten in only 10 months seriously dirty down there so seriously cleaning job. But it's only a temporary fix because the plants that I'm moving in there of course are infected so I'll have to continually treat them right into next early spring beginning of Summer.
I don't plan on growing flower next summer Late May to late September only veg and small plants easy to take care of and treat if I have to.[emoji35][emoji41][emoji482]

Yay for the good bugs!
Hey Electric Elle..[emoji481][emoji482][emoji109] hey I think the aphids are dying off I still haven't gotten a good shot of one of them eating one of those but I know they're doing it cuz seeing a lot less of them[emoji91][emoji109][emoji106][emoji482]

good harvest:drool:
Thanks @MarshydroTina [emoji481][emoji482]

Well it could have been much better I had many problems with these last couple of grows with the PM aphids and spider mites
I've been fighting them all been doing as naturally as I can I've been somewhat successful but I'm far from wiping everything out my spider mite population is coming back on me.
Very disappointed.
Luckily I'm done with flowering right now so all of my green plants I can treat with pretty much anything.
I'm about ready to break down get some insecticides out and start going to town with them.
I hate using them and neem oil.
I really do but it's my next step cuz I have to. I have to clean these rooms out so I bleached my flower room for the last two days walls ceiling floor lights vent tubes everything's been sprayed with the water bleach mix.
I may do one more time then I'm going to slide all of my monster sized veggie green plants in there where I can train them and I got more room I can spread them out and start treating them in there where they have the best chance of not getting reinfected because I bleached that room and then I can concentrate on my green room and bleach that clean everything as I did in the flower room giving myself the best optimal chances of successfully defeating these foes..
So Tina now you know the real story LOL.
it is what it is the life of a farmer I mean I've done everything I can do short of putting in an airlock but that's the next best thing
I'm going to probably have to start doing something to that effect. I can't stop everybody from going into my house. That stuff can come in any which way. bugs spores you name it can come in on whisper of the air a fragment of hair on your clothes on the pet however it can get in the house it can be drug into that room somehow.
Rambling on cuz I'm pissed off but couple more weeks I should have this pretty well knocked out I want to be able to start flowering already but I'm not going to until I've got a good handle on these enemies I don't want to treat while I'm in flower that's the last thing I want to do.

Thanks for stopping by and the kind words. [emoji482]

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