Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding. must be a huge tree!!
LoL right ..yes I would think that they can get huge and they could if you grow it that Direction
But keeping the root small and the light low. Slows a plant growth and also taking cuttings off and trimming them you can keep a plant small and grow it for a very long time.
The Acapulco Gold that I grew for 9 months and then put it in bud. I kept it trimmed it was a mother it really wasn't that big of plant when she finished up. She was big she produced over a pound but she wasn't awful big plant.[emoji482]

Well I have to report I got troubles..[emoji47][emoji33][emoji120] Never Fails a Farmer's work is never done.

My flower room has got a triple threat in it right now. I am so close to harvest that I'm making an executive decision today.

I'm going to take the SAGE and sour the Chocolate mint OG and the Red Dragon because they're the closest to harvest.
So there probably 2 weeks from where I really want to be at with the trikes everything is opaque.
I wanted to have a little bit of Amber in there I've only got just a few dots maybe 1 or 2%.
The Early Skunk picked them up as well but it was a small enough plant that I put it on the two-wheel cart and rolled it out to the outside garden so now it's in the cage and going to finish outside.
She needed a little bit longer than the other ones to finish up

So the triple threat is.
I found powdery mildew spider mites and I had already had aphids in the green room and I still do[emoji91][emoji35]
I found two last night.[emoji20]. The good news is I can spray The Green Room that doesn't bother me I can control that room.
But the flower room I can't do that in I cannot spray in there[emoji35]It's so frustrating. So I wiped with baby wipes on all the leaves that I could last night I got it under control and I think over the next few days that I'll be able to keep it under control I turn the fan off so there's no air circulation in there to speak of right now only the exhaust and it blows outside.
The only good thing I can say right now is I don't have aphids in the flower room but powdery mildew and spider mites are there and I believe with harvesting the three big plants and getting them out of there and taking the The Early Skunk outside it seem to have the most spider mites and powdery mildew.
So the plants that will be left inside will be a Bubba Kush and a different Chocolate mint OG which both need about 4 weeks to finish.
I think I should be able to control them a lot better this way. I'll also do some clear water spraying with water only this would be a knockdown procedure this will help me keep the spider mites and the aphids back.
The thing I worry about is the powdery mildew will love the moisture so another thing I can do is pick up some UV black lights( like for your lizard tank or Aquarium UVA UVB light) for my T5 light fixtures and this will help me keep back the powdery mildew. I priced some fixtures and UV lights at the second hand store and for just a two light fixture and Bulbs was 31 bucks a piece and they have 4 fixtures and lights. I don't think they'll work for me cuz theres not enough coverage area for my flower room.
So my idea will be to put 4 black light bulbs in each of my 8 bulb T5 lights along with my 4 Bloom T5 making 12 uv lights bulbs total and hopefully that'll help.
Maybe I'll do some research and look up and see if they got LED UV lights.
update for now
pictures to come
thanks for viewing[emoji481][emoji482][emoji109]

Thanks. @Eclectric Elle [emoji481][emoji482]I appreciate it definitely
That's a real sod mate, hope you get rid of them all soon!
It seems it never fails though always have to work and work and work there's more things that I want to do and then just sit there and fix my garden so I can move to the next stage LOL.
But it is what it is.
I'd like to start grafting but with problems like this I don't want to take the chance of killing a plant so I'll have to wait until after I clean my room's again and get the threat out of there and then I can graft it'll probably be another month before I'll be able to start doing those things.
I do have a couple of plants to work with already though that are in The Green Room and will start soon.
Thanks for viewing [emoji482][emoji109]

Okay I harvested sage and sour it was the most done. It looks pretty good wasn't far from being done completely where I would like to have had it. It really didn't have any signs of powdery mildew or spider mites it looks very clean in fact. I don't remember seeing anything of that sort..
However the Early Skunk
( I believe I explained in a earlier post ) she had it pretty bad. So I wiped the leaves all up and down then took it to the outside grow.
I had to go away for a couple of days and when I came back a couple of days later the chocolate mint OG both plants had pm real bad wow.
So I harvested the closest one it was almost done completely very close. Then I sprayed with 3% hydrogen peroxide 1q bottle to one gallon of clear water mix.

The Red Dragon I was going to harvest it but didn't have but a couple of dots of powdery mildew on it no other bugs had bothered it it was mostly good 96% so I left it and watered it well and sprayed it with hydrogen peroxide mix.
The Bubba Kush a monster plant again unexpected wasn't expecting to be so big.
Eeek It had some.. A few dots of powdery mildew on it probably a third of the plant had it on her. So I wiped a few leaves off nipped a few and sprayed it real well with the hydrogen peroxide mix.

Then cleaned up everything and sprayed the entire room with a hydrogen peroxide mix and will repeat everyday until it's gone.

Dam I had an accident when spraying the chocolate mint OG the one I'm keeping in the room to finish out split one branch from the weight of all the hydrogen peroxide mix on a leaves and so I had to support everything it's a monster cropped plant so it's got spindly branches on it and there not very strong but produces a good bud.

First four pics are of the sage and sour Harvest.
Sorry I don't have any pics of the chocolate mint OG Harvest when I seen all the powdery mildew on I just went to town on trimming leaves off and preparing it for it's dip in the hydrogen peroxide mix before hanging.

The last 10 picks are the last three plants in the inside grow flower room the biggest one is the Bubba Kush in the far left hand corner in the right hand corner it's hard to see until I come around picture Red Dragon and then the chocolate mint OG is in the front.

The pictures represent right after I harvested and start moving the plants around adjusting lights taking lights out and putting lights back in and taking the yellow leaves off and doing the spraying the hydrogen peroxide and doused the really good soaking like I dipped it more or less the only thing I can kill the pm with and not kill me or you.

Hope to find some inexpensive black light soon I don't want to go through the powdery mildew thing again that's a freaking nightmare. [emoji482]


Ps Early skunk that I put in the outside grow to finish up last pic
Well.... vegging
.. no less than 8 weeks but who knows how long I'll go I always got a plant ready to go always sometimes veg as much as a year I've gone so far. A Acapulco Gold that I ran outside last year was born in 2016 September and I harvested it 2017 September.
Well I guess it didnt veg a whole year but it did veg 10 months though.
Ive herd that a photo plant will live for many long years. As much as 20. Some breeders have plants that are that old.
But move her to flower and she is going to change.


I remember that I was there LoL 10 months you had that Acapulco gold growing that was a long time....

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Hey Gtg[emoji109] I was just reading about predatory mites since your indoors. I think they would definitely be beneficial they kill all bugs and don’t think they’re too expensive. I was just reading this on growweedeasy figured you would might want to read it I have no you’ve read it before. you tried this before G....
03c812e477dc82f40be7a4086c38d1e3.png plants look Good I like the way you have your room set up[emoji108][emoji100][emoji100][emoji100][emoji573] get them Fukers G!!!

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Hey Gtg[emoji109] I was just reading about predatory mites since your indoors. I think they would definitely be beneficial they kill all bugs and don’t think they’re too expensive. I was just reading this on growweedeasy figured you would might want to read it I have no you’ve read it before. you tried this before G....
03c812e477dc82f40be7a4086c38d1e3.png plants look Good I like the way you have your room set up[emoji108][emoji100][emoji100][emoji100][emoji573] get them Fukers G!!!

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Hey thanks Robbie [emoji481][emoji482][emoji109]
I'm just going to grow everything out right now.
I've been treating everything with the baby wipes hydrogen peroxide and a good bugs.
I've gotten rid of a lot so far.
The Green Room you know I just don't care kill them with whatever doesn't kill the plant LOL but in the flower room you just got to be so careful not to put chemicals and such in there that can hurt us you know yeah
I know about the beneficial mites and other predatory little bugs I've never used them and I'm not opposed to using them.
I got a pretty good handle on what's going on down there right now.
Hey you know there's a processed to all this even though it's hard to do but they do it in the medical community with those clean rooms where you have to put a suit on and go in a room and the suit gets showered off and then you walk into the clean room where you do your business and you come out of the clean room the suit get showered off and you walk out of that room and take the suit off. I'm almost ready to do that what a nightmare I've been dealing with these damn bugs and funguses off and on for 5 years.
The problem is growing in the summertime in this area seems to be very hard for me inside between the months of August and the end of September is the worst it never fails every year that I've been growing legally I've gotten some kind of bug in my basement or fungus now.

So like last year I didn't have any problems with bugs inside because I didn't grow in the summertime inside my last Harvest last year was the end of May inside and at that point I shut everything down but the veggie part of it and didn't start flowering again until after Christmas.
Well I don't want to go that long again inside without flowering.
So I'm going to start flowering again in October next year so I'll shut the inside grow down sometime in mid May and won't flower again until sometime in mid October and that will just eliminate that problem without having to go to the extreme with a space suit clean room and shower LOL[emoji482]

Hey thanks Robbie [emoji481][emoji482][emoji109]
I'm just going to grow everything out right now.
I've been treating everything with the baby wipes hydrogen peroxide and a good bugs.
I've gotten rid of a lot so far.
The Green Room you know I just don't care kill them with whatever doesn't kill the plant LOL but in the flower room you just got to be so careful not to put chemicals and such in there that can hurt us you know yeah
I know about the beneficial mites and other predatory little bugs I've never used them and I'm not opposed to using them.
I got a pretty good handle on what's going on down there right now.
Hey you know there's a processed to all this even though it's hard to do but they do it in the medical community with those clean rooms where you have to put a suit on and go in a room and the suit gets showered off and then you walk into the clean room where you do your business and you come out of the clean room the suit get showered off and you walk out of that room and take the suit off. I'm almost ready to do that what a nightmare I've been dealing with these damn bugs and funguses off and on for 5 years.
The problem is growing in the summertime in this area seems to be very hard for me inside between the months of August and the end of September is the worst it never fails every year that I've been growing legally I've gotten some kind of bug in my basement or fungus now.

So like last year I didn't have any problems with bugs inside because I didn't grow in the summertime inside my last Harvest last year was the end of May inside and at that point I shut everything down but the veggie part of it and didn't start flowering again until after Christmas.
Well I don't want to go that long again inside without flowering.
So I'm going to start flowering again in October next year so I'll shut the inside grow down sometime in mid May and won't flower again until sometime in mid October and that will just eliminate that problem without having to go to the extreme with a space suit clean room and shower LOL[emoji482]


Yeah G as long as you have a hold on everything you’ll be fine! you always get the job done anyway! Plus you don’t have long to go before you chop shit if you have a few amber that’s fine to harvest as long as there’s not a lot of clear and there cloudy. But you already Know that[emoji91][emoji109][emoji482][emoji100][emoji100][emoji100][emoji573]

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