Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

Sprayed for the bugs[emoji379][emoji91][emoji35][emoji109]
I hate them dam things.
That little bottle was nowhere near enough it barely covered the girls in the flower room. It was gave to me by another grower.
I had to break out the captain Jack's concentrate to finish up the green room with the one plant in there so I'll spray again with Captain Jack's the day after tomorrow.
I'll spray tomorrow with water and hydrogen peroxide mix and bump my schedule up one day so I don't lose the captain Jack's that I have mixed up in the sprayer that I still have over a gallon left.
Got stay on them. I've been in this boat a couple of times before over the last 5 years I know mixing up the chemicals is the only way to eradicate them they can't compensate for the different kinds of chemicals you put to of them. I'll use Azmax
SM 90 and neem oil before it's all done..[emoji377][emoji91][emoji297][emoji100]

I also have decided to shut down two of the lights actually what I'm doing is I'm staggering my times on my lights so all of my lights aren't on at the same time right now to save money.
(Right now there all on 18 hours a day at 1374watts plus the normal house power).
Because I don't have a merry-go-round or Carousel for my light system yet. So that my lights can move across my plants giving them a nice coverage and I can utilize economics of saving power by only having to have on 4 lights to cver a 6 light area that way. Save $
So to make some thing like that. I'm going to put my lights on timers so I can have two on at a time and then three on at different times of the day. (Maybe a good to have them over lap by an hour or so?). So they don't all run at the same time but the plants all get good light just not at the same time right now they don't need it. I could utilize the money savings from watts for other things.
Like another new CMH light kit and blub[emoji106][emoji482]

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yo i’m not sure what i’ve stumbled in to here

it’s so busy i don’t know where to start! some real action going down in here bro, gonna spend some time having a good look around, not seen a set up quite like this before :toke:
yo i’m not sure what i’ve stumbled in to here

it’s so busy i don’t know where to start! some real action going down in here bro, gonna spend some time having a good look around, not seen a set up quite like this before :toke:
Hey Froot n Fuel[emoji481][emoji482]welcome[emoji482] to my experimental insanity LOL
You're right you. are right it's busy.
Yeah I'm an unorthodox grower.
I try to grow organically as possible but it's just not possible for me I got too many things going on all the time I'm always growing different strains I never grow all the same strain it's just not in my DNA and I got problems right now it happens to me when I grow in the summer time every single summer I grow inside I end up with bugs and the last couple of inside grows over the summer I've got in the p.m. to because my neighbor's yard is got p.m. all over it and there's nothing I can do about their yard I almost have to make a freaking clean room with a airlock and suits LOL.
seriously I may have to do something to that effect cuz I've just about took every measure to try and stop that shit from getting in my inside grow when I grow in summer time I just can't seem to stop it it just creeps in. So if you read all of my different journals and grows that I've had over the year or so since I've been on afn inside n outside.
You'll see some of the trials and tribulations that I've had LOL.
But I keep her growing.
So pull up a chair and sit down Kickback crack One open and Stoke up your bowl I'm going to be on here for at least until April doing crazy grow shit[emoji482]

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it’s like an art museum or something

like variety and fascinating stuff everywhere you look, great stuff mate.

I like the look of that little Hawaiian number, gimme some time to properly see what you’ve been up to :pass:
it’s like an art museum or something

like variety and fascinating stuff everywhere you look, great stuff mate.

I like the look of that little Hawaiian number, gimme some time to properly see what you’ve been up to :pass:
Thanks Grow bro[emoji481][emoji482][emoji109]
The Maui Waui from Barneys farm. Boy I tell ya She is one of those plants thats just easy to grow. When growing her outside she will become a towering monster if not trained.[emoji267]
The buds will be nice n dank with a great aroma. But she not a stinker. The smoke is very teaste and as you can imagine fruity little bit of dank woody after flavor.
The effects are old school head high creative energetic this plant has never disappointed me it's always grew very easily very good and a very good yield inside or out[emoji482]

Battle those blasted bugs! Keep on at it man [emoji106]
Hey hi Elle[emoji481][emoji482][emoji109]...
I know right[emoji106][emoji91]Beat them dam bugs[emoji379][emoji91][emoji106][emoji13]LOL
Hey them dam things are a Mother... I got the pm under control but the bugs are giving me s hard time.
But going back and forth with the different insecticides help me to beat them as well as every time I spray helps knock them off to brings their numbers down to more manageable size.
I did get a pic of green lacewing larvae a few days before I sprayed.
Over all the good bugs thay did a great job on them aphids and mites but I needed to stagger my army out over a few weeks to be more effective in controlling my enemys numbers. Like I did outside earlier this year. But I just didn't have the time. I am already behind. I guess I mite need to start my own good bug farm[emoji482]

That's not a bad idea - after all, you used them and found them to have some effect, so would others surely?
You're right Eclectic Elle[emoji482]
The green lacewing larvae are very effective. I thought inside to put in 2500 larvae on the plants would have done greater damage than what they did. But they did put a big dent in the aphids population. But it's been weeks since I put them on and should have ordered another batch of good bugs that would have came a week or so after the first batch did.
I underestimated the time distance between the egg-laying and the other bugs that are in my soil.
Thats another thing my soil is so freaking rich that it attracts those bugs and they are loving my soil..
So I went and got some Gant topping. It's like little rocks that I put on top of the soil in my pots.
I have to get another bag cuz I still have one pot that doesn't have any on it also one other pot that needs some more.
The gant rocks help deter the little flies and aphids and other soil bound insects that are trying to land and eat on my soil and lay their eggs from having a place to call home.
You know I put a lot of things in the soil like eggs, sugars, molasses. coffee grounds and tea bags, and bat guano, table scraps milk, coconut milk plus
I don't know... if it biodegrades it gets put in the soil. [emoji13]
So I have made my soil so yummy to everything that I have to hide it now from flying insects. Especially during the summer months.
Thats something I didn't do this year and neglected it.[emoji55]
I guess One reason why is cuz I like to put my hand into the soil so I can feel it's consistency of what the soil feels like moisture content the way it smells after you break the surface there's just a lot of things that I look for before I water and it's something I can't do so easily once I cover the surface of my soil with those little rocks.
If I want to feel the soil now I have to brush the rocks back put my hand in it then put the rocks back over the bare spot because you can't have any exposed soil or it gives the little basterd a landing pad where they'll be happy to lay their eggs or dig right in[emoji379][emoji377][emoji91][emoji106][emoji482]

Hey all [emoji481][emoji482]
I've been treating the spider mite population and aphid. Spider mite has a much stronger presence than the aphid population the aphid population has a very large dent in it there's still some there but they're almost gone spider mites however I've dented them too but there's a lot so instead of treating with the hydrogen peroxide in between the captain Jack's treatings and that other stuff that I had I double sprayed today I sprayed the captain Jack's first and then after the leaves were dry I sprayed the hydrogen peroxide to stay on top of my powdery mildew issue which I noticed upon 10 or 12 leaves today which I pluck those leaves and took them out of the grow and then sprayed again
next weekend I will switch my lights to 14 hours to start flowering and then week after that I will switch them to 12 12 where I should then be in full flower by the 15th and November really set myself back about 4 weeks but on the bright side I'm going to start germinating when I flip the girls I've got a pretty good idea of what I'm going to start but my options are still going to be open.
chocolate mint OG
Bubba Kush and the Blues are on the menu[emoji482]
