Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

Tenacious little blighters...
Hey Elle [emoji482]
yeah they are there little biters ain't they Jesus you sure can tell where they're at they don't let up.
Little yellow dots everywhere the new growth though doesn't seem to have them on it but if I don't stay on them they will Basterds

keep picturing John Goodman in Arachnophobia when you go in after them bugs

keep picturing John Goodman in Arachnophobia when you go in after them bugs

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I know right this is what I had to wear when I spray that habanero spray holy shit that shit was terrible make you snot at the nose like you got hit by the police pepper spray.
Shit making it was bad enough I had to start making it outside because it would last so long Inside it has to stew for like 4 hours then you got to filter it and then you spray it on the plants. The plants love it though my plants I don't think ever look any greener than what they do after I spray that stuff on them.

I don't know what it is but the pictures that are stored in my phone are all scrambled up inside. When I go to post I can't hardly find any of them I have to search and search . I must have got a bug in there something LOL damn bugs on my plants in my phone shit LOL I guess I'm just buggy[emoji28]

Yeah I thought about it but they probably arrest me cuz my house is attached to it I think if I was going to do it I just burn the whole damn thing LOL
bugs are a nightmare,i never had them,think id loose the bap if i did and get a flamethrower and go over the top a bit.
good luck pal :pass:

Moved all the lights up to the ceiling and I moved the row of Lights in the front 16in further apart from the ones in the back so I have broader spread of light out in my flower room.

I flipped to 12/12 to day.
Still staggering the timers.
6 hours a day the lights are all on at the same time. And 1 pair of lights come on for 2 on 2 hours off until 12 hours are reached.

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So I read about a new remedy to fight spider mites.
You won't believe it. Its 71% rubbing alcohol [emoji44] it destroys their little shell and they die does not harm the eggs though so you have to repeat treatment.
I'm about to experiment on my girls to test a few leaves on each one of them to make sure that the 1cup alcohol to 1 qt water and 2 tsp dish soap mix doesn't harm them.
I'll report in 24 hours to let you all know if all is good or not.
If good I'll be drenching them.[emoji482]

Well sprayed the alcohol water and soap mix drenched the plants tonight smells like alcohol bath in here.
Easy two pics right after I sprayed I sprayed approximately a gallon a quarter on them.
I hope my suspicions are right but I think it's doing a knockout on the p.m. as well I don't know why it wouldn't seems but I may be wrong I'll give it a day or so to tell how it works
