Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

looking good,green and happy :smokeit:nice work on the light mover [emoji106]
keep er lit
Thanks Archie...[emoji482]

I got some cleaning to do today and a little adjusting of the girls in the flower room. Get them lined up and sped out some.
I've got to put a timer the light mover yet.
So after that then it's on to cloning.
I can't hardly wait. The veggy girl's have a lot of nice branches to pic from for clones. Those will make great strong plants. I'm really happy with the Somango and the Wedding cake also the LSD... They will have many good clones.
The Dragon blood hash plant has took to her new diggs well and is growing like a weed LoL
The Mango hash plant she is liking her diggs too. She isn't growing has fast tho...but hs greened up some and has packed on some size. [emoji482]

Dragon Blood hash plant and the Mango hash plant.

They really like the new soil combination. I put quite a bit of the blood meal to this mix too because their doing a prolonged veg. With these plants so these plants won't see any flowering in these pots I'll make clones as soon as you're available and these girls eventually will end up outside in the outside grow to grow to their maturity Basking in the light of the great bulb in the sky.[emoji295][emoji274][emoji275] Man I cant hardly wait for spring[emoji267][emoji269][emoji268]

Update to the flower room

The Bubba Kush is still looking real sad. Having a hard time pulling it. It such a beautiful plant though but if something don't liven up with the size of them buds real soon it's out of here. This was from bag seed so it could just be the luck of the draw on this plant. The last three BK I grew from this bag seed ( I got a lot of seeds out of this half pound I got a couple of years ago ) well they all came out beautifully with awesome buds and Stellar Harvest. In fact I just went through the last pound of Bubba Kush that I had from the last plant I grew which was excellent bud and the client wants more....[emoji37] I can't help him now. sad about that.
The buds from this Bubba Kush are hard dank citrus flavored leaning towards a fruity bouquet with a decent High not spectacular not couch lock but yet a good head buzz you can clearly think with and you don't feel lazy. Hopefully the next Bubba Kush I have in the veg room will come out better than this one.
The Jack herer is a tall girl the buds on this plant are developing again they're not as large as I would think they would be at this time but they're still developing.

The white widows buds are looking very well and are maybe a little under par right now but I've noticed with the white widows I've grown from seedsman they seem to have smaller buds until just about the end this could be characteristic of this plant as well this is a feminized White Widow from seedsman.
The Exodus cheese is one of my seeds from 2016 and it's bud sites are smaller than I remember and the hairs are changing a little bit in color I hope it's not that time for this plant yet because those buds are very small.
The two candy creams look pretty good given the buds still look smaller than I believe they should be.
The Early Skunk looks pretty good though and seems to be on track with growth.
The Aurora looks real well again the buds all looks smaller than I believe they should be. I might be just over reacting to it all???
I'm not sure yet the Bubba Kush has got me shell shocked and I'm on the fence right now hopefully it pans out.
The CBD Chem Berry Diesel is looking spectacular another couple weeks maybe three at the outside and she'll be done and that'll be a good harvest it'll make up for the rest of it. If the rest have small buds ugh....

I hope the light mover does all I think it will I expected to help my crop out quite a bit and keep my electrical cost down. I'm now using one less light to cover the same area from what I've read in the research that I've done on it light movers pay for themselves in about three or four grows depending on what kind of light you by so maybe I'll be able to invest in LED lights now with the savings I get from my crop in the next 2 years.
Maybe they'll have developed an LED light out there at that time that will make it all worthwhile.

Thanks for stopping in...[emoji482]

Made a pivotal light mover from a Rotisserie Oven motor a swivel from a chair and a pieces of pipe to hang the lights from. I had 4 wing lights I've never used.
I didn't spend any money on this project it was stuff I had laying around $0 spent and it works great I'm now able to spread my plant out and give them space.
I'll get some pics of the flower garden in the morning[emoji482]


Wow man. Really like your approach on this.

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Wow man. Really like your approach on this.

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Thanks man[emoji481][emoji482] and welcome
Im just a Hillbilly trying to get by.
I try to recycle a lot of things I'm not a hoarder but I'm borderline sometimes LOL[emoji482]

Thanks man[emoji481][emoji482] and welcome
Im just a Hillbilly trying to get by.
I try to recycle a lot of things I'm not a hoarder but I'm borderline sometimes LOL[emoji482]


Ha!! Thanks for the reply AND idea! Recycled is my middle name err I mean handle name so I can relate...but I’m a redneck engineer :)!! My entire room (well almost) is leftover materials from past projects.

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Ha!! Thanks for the reply AND idea! Recycled is my middle name err I mean handle name so I can relate...but I’m a redneck engineer :)!! My entire room (well almost) is leftover materials from past projects.

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hA That should have been my screen name