Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

Hey sit I like the new Avatar[emoji482][emoji106]


It is from a beer called the hemperor, some guy on IG said they have one called G13 and he said it tastes just like it.

Morning spin
And All my new Friends Here

What did you call me? lol.

Morning Grow
I was forgeting who's thread I was in again
Brain Damage does that
Hope all is well My Brother

haha haha, today's my busy day. Oh carp it's light outside!

Morning all


Is it morning if you don't sleep?

The iso ipm do you ph the solution?
It is from a beer called the hemperor, some guy on IG said they have one called G13 and he said it tastes just like it.

What did you call me? lol.

haha haha, today's my busy day. Oh carp it's light outside!

Is it morning if you don't sleep?

The iso ipm do you ph the solution?
LoL Mmmm[emoji482]
