New Grower Growing while in extreme pain - My Journey so far

I did a side by side with House and Garden Soil A and B. Now it wall only 2 plants out of 8 that got it, the rest were organic. The bottled nutes got stomped! The H7G plant was the smallest and the other only tied for the middle. Not a scientific sampling by any means, but even I was surprised!

No go ahead and run with it! you know you want to lol! We will all work together and you'll get thru this fine. Next grow, you can decide to change but no sense spending time and money returning anything. and who knows.Maybe you'll like that style of growing!

That's surprising that H+G didn't perform!! Damn for the price of the product ouch. I do remember that thread, and I even commented a couple of times, but I think I got too distracted to see the finish. :)

That has to be the coolest thing about growing herb. So many techniques that work when executed properly. I did a ton of experimenting with mediums years ago and have grown nice plants in soil, pure perlite, pure vermiculite, different ration mixes of per/verm, rockwool, clay pellets, lava rock, and also using many varied homebrewed organic mixes.
Got a thermometer/hydrometer? Whats the temp and humidity with the light running?

Haha...I was just thinking it would be super cool to run a side by side grow using FF vs organics. I started using FF trio, and used the Bloom trio the following year. Not a controlled experiment(same strains but not cloned), but I personally found improvement using the bloom trio.
Yep, I've got one and im running right between 72-75 and RH is a bit low (20% is the average right now) but I didn't yet move my gals yet because it was so painful setting up the tent i didn't want to drop them :(.
It's always interesting to hear different people say different things. When I work in the industry there's a huge argument over feeding amounts. I know one person who does one single feeding and they get great results, so maybe just the augmentation will be worthwhile???

I did a side by side with House and Garden Soil A and B. Now it wall only 2 plants out of 8 that got it, the rest were organic. The bottled nutes got stomped! The H7G plant was the smallest and the other only tied for the middle. Not a scientific sampling by any means, but even I was surprised!

No go ahead and run with it! you know you want to lol! We will all work together and you'll get thru this fine. Next grow, you can decide to change but no sense spending time and money returning anything. and who knows.Maybe you'll like that style of growing!
That is very interesting! I'd think it being a literal weed it would like all the nutes it can get, but maybe because its a weed that's usually grown in places with less nutes than other places in the world?

I do know I want to run with it, but at the same time I want to take your coaching through the grow. :)

It actually won't cost me any money to return the products as I'd just resell them as there's a market for it all out here.

One thing I wonder if it has any impact is that I have a hepa/charcoal filter/purifier already going in the same room the (hopefully) gals are in (I say hopefully because you never know if a feminized seed will go male or hermie). @pop22 or @912GreenSkell do you guys have any knowledge on that one?

oh btw, my ph metre arrived too, can't remember if i said so or not!

Sorry it took so long to get back to everyone, today was a bad day for pain and I was laying in bed half the day... I couldn't even get up to get my mmj or I would have been fine (I don't smoke in my bed because of fire worries and for some weird reason I don't like the smell that sticks around although I do like the initial smell i don't like the smoked smell but I like the taste).
That's surprising that H+G didn't perform!! Damn for the price of the product ouch. I do remember that thread, and I even commented a couple of times, but I think I got too distracted to see the finish. :)

That has to be the coolest thing about growing herb. So many techniques that work when executed properly. I did a ton of experimenting with mediums years ago and have grown nice plants in soil, pure perlite, pure vermiculite, different ration mixes of per/verm, rockwool, clay pellets, lava rock, and also using many varied homebrewed organic mixes.
I'm so excited to get to experiment. I like the idea of micro grows as I've said, so Im excited to see what gets the tightest nugs/most output for the space.

great read too
The odds are slim of finding a male, although I've read there's up to a 5% chance. I've probably grown maybe 40-50 auto fems from 10 different strains and have never found a male.

Your hepa filter will not affect your plants, however in flower, they may affect your!

Yep, I've got one and im running right between 72-75 and RH is a bit low (20% is the average right now) but I didn't yet move my gals yet because it was so painful setting up the tent i didn't want to drop them :(.
It's always interesting to hear different people say different things. When I work in the industry there's a huge argument over feeding amounts. I know one person who does one single feeding and they get great results, so maybe just the augmentation will be worthwhile???

That is very interesting! I'd think it being a literal weed it would like all the nutes it can get, but maybe because its a weed that's usually grown in places with less nutes than other places in the world?

I do know I want to run with it, but at the same time I want to take your coaching through the grow. :)

It actually won't cost me any money to return the products as I'd just resell them as there's a market for it all out here.

One thing I wonder if it has any impact is that I have a hepa/charcoal filter/purifier already going in the same room the (hopefully) gals are in (I say hopefully because you never know if a feminized seed will go male or hermie). @pop22 or @912GreenSkell do you guys have any knowledge on that one?

oh btw, my ph metre arrived too, can't remember if i said so or not!

Sorry it took so long to get back to everyone, today was a bad day for pain and I was laying in bed half the day... I couldn't even get up to get my mmj or I would have been fine (I don't smoke in my bed because of fire worries and for some weird reason I don't like the smell that sticks around although I do like the initial smell i don't like the smoked smell but I like the taste).
The odds are slim of finding a male, although I've read there's up to a 5% chance. I've probably grown maybe 40-50 auto fems from 10 different strains and have never found a male.

Your hepa filter will not affect your plants, however in flower, they may affect your!
I'm glad to hear that my odds are slim of getting a male. I was reading that in the early days of feminization it was not the best procedure in the world and the Rodelization method used wasn't always as reliable as using colloidal silver to make feminized marijuana seeds.

I'm sure my filter will end up needing to be changed in the flowering cycle so I may end up taking it out of the room it's in when flowering. Since the filter also creates a bit of o3 I was being told it would take away from the final flavor and make it taste like literal grass. Is that true?

Side note:
(If others want a good read check out this page on how to feminize seeds ( )
Yes, ozone can detract from flavor, its best for it not to be within several feet of the plant.
I'm glad to hear that my odds are slim of getting a male. I was reading that in the early days of feminization it was not the best procedure in the world and the Rodelization method used wasn't always as reliable as using colloidal silver to make feminized marijuana seeds.

I'm sure my filter will end up needing to be changed in the flowering cycle so I may end up taking it out of the room it's in when flowering. Since the filter also creates a bit of o3 I was being told it would take away from the final flavor and make it taste like literal grass. Is that true?

Side note:
(If others want a good read check out this page on how to feminize seeds ( )
Quick update.
While I am not too far along, yesterday the second seed finally popped out. I thought it had stalled, but it finally came to. The first gal is rather lanky and fast. This second one looks rather beefy and slow. It is interesting to see how different strains react to the same environment.

I've been learning what I can about the ph metre and the rest of the growing methods and realize I did flub up by underwatering as the first seed drooped down before i watered it yesterday. I guess having read of over watering, I under watered. So far though, they seem to be popping back and im trying to keep a better eye on the water in the soil.
Getting watering right when your plant is a seedling is the trickiest thing to learn. That's why my preference is to start my seedlings in small pots and transplant. I use cottage cheese or yogurt containers. they make perfect seedling pots and soil and roots don't stick to them. the hold about 24 ounces of soil, about 3 cups. I give them 4 ounce of water about every three days until I transplant, which is usually at 7-10 days. I think starting in the final pot is trickier as you need to keep the medium a little moist. Guess I'm going to learn that one myself as I'm going to plant directly into the autopots soon.

Quick update.
While I am not too far along, yesterday the second seed finally popped out. I thought it had stalled, but it finally came to. The first gal is rather lanky and fast. This second one looks rather beefy and slow. It is interesting to see how different strains react to the same environment.

I've been learning what I can about the ph metre and the rest of the growing methods and realize I did flub up by underwatering as the first seed drooped down before i watered it yesterday. I guess having read of over watering, I under watered. So far though, they seem to be popping back and im trying to keep a better eye on the water in the soil.
Getting watering right when your plant is a seedling is the trickiest thing to learn. That's why my preference is to start my seedlings in small pots and transplant. I use cottage cheese or yogurt containers. they make perfect seedling pots and soil and roots don't stick to them. the hold about 24 ounces of soil, about 3 cups. I give them 4 ounce of water about every three days until I transplant, which is usually at 7-10 days. I think starting in the final pot is trickier as you need to keep the medium a little moist. Guess I'm going to learn that one myself as I'm going to plant directly into the autopots soon.
I agree that the first 2 weeks or so are the hardest to dial in for watering. I use a small hair Spray bottle to just spray water in small amounts around my seedlings. If planting in the final pots I've started using a paper towel roll and cutting it to about an inch cylinder. I place that directly in the center of my pot and water the seedling only inside that ring until about day 10 or 12 than I start watering outside the ring. The ring protects my seedling until it can stand alone against the waterings. Lol sometimes it makes holes in the soil and messes up the base of the plant, this protects that from happening lol. I did also transplant this time from very small starter pots so I could dial in my watering in the early stages as well. I wasnt a fan personally of the transplant, even though it went perfect, just messy lol and I was scared to hurt my babies lol. Long story short pop, I agree haha