oh okay. would the 420autoflower scrog method work with dwc system just like in the picture below, rockwool on top of the dwc bucket, instead of a big pot of coco or rockwool below the smaller rockwool on top?
I'm currently doing his method on DWC, in a usual 4cm rockwool cube, in a usual small DWC net pot (Oxypot), and without anything on top

Works just fine.
That picture you posted reminds me of a top-feed system I once had, is that really DWC as well? If not, be careful with accumulating salt/minerals and the humidity... I lost a few smaller plants to mold in those systems. Sorry if you already know that, just trying to be helpful.
DOA: Could you give me a hint WHY that big cube is supposed to be so crucial? I keep hearing it, but I don't get it. Isn't rockwool just supposed to be a very neutral starter/grow medium? I use them all the time as well, sure, but never the big ones, just the 4x4 (cm) ones in DWC, and I can't help but suspect that doing so will raise humidity, and might explain some of 420AF's (to me) crazy water usage. But I might be 100% wrong, would just love to hear/know the reasons. Thx!
Oh and also, hi guys, new here, etc.

But growing for 20 or so. Registered to share, as it only seems fit, standing on the shoulders of giants like 420AF
EDIT: "Never a risk of transplant shock or early flowering plants using the Grodan blocks.", that I get, that makes sense. Just them being required for strong growth, that I don't get, and doesn't seem to gel with my own observations. Or maybe that's just due to his main medium, that, without the blocks, that would be not enough? Makes me very curious, as does the whole thing. But my plants still have weeks to go, so, gotta be patient...
EDIT2: Thanks Lil Dab, so it's the other medium requiring it after all if I got that right - great to get answers so quickly