If you're looking for pace, I'd recommend you to just go for autos straight away. Imo autos suit beginners well too, no reason be to be scared – you'll make mistakes and learn regardless of whether you pick photos or autos. Mind you autos also give you room for errors.
Keeping with the grow style of the thread I'd recommend considering the periodically top fertigated method with 70/30 coco and perlite (if you don't want rockwool). For example, you could do as
@greenauto does with a big flood table and a reservoir.
And for some of the questions:
1. You can go 24/0 for vigorous growth.
2. No need for topping really, keeping the apical meristem (the main top) tied down by LST should be enough.
3. 7 gal would be plenty.
5. Depends on how big plants you'd want and your setup can handle.
6. Yes, silica from beginning. It will affect the sturdiness of stems but it won't hinder scrogging significantly.
8. Mykos can be placed in the substrate.
9. Yes TA (ex GHE) is a solid and tried option.
@420autoflower has used the US equivalent version of NovaMax by TA. If you're set on going with coco you could also opt for their coco line. As for Pro Roots and Pro Bloom, TA says they are more unconventional in terms of their formulas compared to their Root Booster and Bloom Booster products – Pro Roots and Pro Bloom ofc are handy in that they are small packages.
But yeah, you can of course make the choices that suit you best. Something to consider is that scrogging multiple plants together can be difficult, especially for canopy maintenance.