Outdoor Growing Oak trees with Watermelons in Michigan

I've heard the hurricanes the coast is getting is supposed to bring in warmer weather for a little bit
Crazy how a few hours south changes the weather !
We get colder weather being close to the lakes Huron and Michigan. I'm a 30 minute drive from either one. That's why my area gets so much snow.

Local news said the rain is from the hurricane bringing moisture North. Supposed to be back around 80 in a couple days.
Yeah there's a spot up there from Gaylord north that is always snowed under. My friends lived off the grid up there, that's a tough spot to be in February.
Yeah there's a spot up there from Gaylord north that is always snowed under. My friends lived off the grid up there, that's a tough spot to be in February.
I'm just North of Gaylord. In February we had a blizzard, I couldn't dig out of my house for three days. They didn't plow the roads where I live for at least two days. The snow between my house and pole barn was 8 feet deep from drifts. No snowblower or my quad with plow was going through that. My dog couldn't go more than a few feet from the house to relieve herself. I shoveled for days just to get to the pole barn. I've been snowed in as late as May 10th a few years ago. Doesn't help I live on an island with a couple hundred yard causeway that snow drifts off the lake onto. If my 4x4 can't make it through I am stuck.
Holy yikes, you are out there. I salute your fortitude, brother! I've said all my life I was moving to the U.P. once I retired but I built a cabin down here and with this weird ass weather changing I'm starting to think it's best I stay where I am. We don't have overly difficult springs, except last year of course.
Ah yes life in Michigan! Crazy weather all year long ! I remember getting snow in June back in the 80's then setting at the picnic table later that day in shorts.
I found a couple seeds yesterday while I was out working the garden! That's exciting I like me some free seeds. I seen a couple on the acdc plants a couple on the c99 plants I'll take those for sure next years crop !