Outdoor Growing in the UK desert.

I have just sweated through my hottest July night in 27 years, with an overnight low of 22C. And by midday today, it was back up to 34C again. Now I am bracing myself for a possible high of 37C on Thursday, with all of the days this week between 32-35C. Combined with the worst draught in living memory, it makes for a tough task guerrilla growing. This year's grow is in full-on desert conditions. Even outside of the desert boundary.

All of the plants I have out right now have not experienced any rainfall in their lifetime, not a single drop. The draught moves onto it's 9th week now. This is a massive problem for me as the corn is now dead in the cornfield, shrivelled up and brown. I fear the farmer may cut it in hope of salvaging something, before it collapses and withers away, revealing my plants. All the nearby crops have failed... corn, wheat, rape seed etc... all shrivelled up, brown & dead. The grass is dead everywhere and being replaced with sand. To make matters worse there is now a wild fire raging about 3 miles south of my plot, and it is spreading in my direction. And I have a hosepipe ban for my county coming into affect on Wednesday.

Here is a NASA photograph of England in mid May, and 2 months later in mid July... but another week of draught has passed since that aerial photo was taken...

Even the "green" parks in London are starting to resemble deserts...

This is the greenest patch of grass I can find en-route to my plot... a few shrubs surviving still... and sand all over the pavements.
Feel your pain, it has been brutal in the south and at least another two weeks of it. At the beginning of summer the met office was predicting this to carry on until October due to the jet stream shifting.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Good Lord. The temperature was hovering around 100 degrees F here today. Absolutely baking. Still no signs of any rain either, which means hand watering trips on an almost daily basis still. We have 95F+ forecast for tomorrow as well. That would make 20 consecutive days with temperatures over 30C. It wouldn't be so much of a problem if it wasn't for the fact that we haven't had any rain for going on 10 weeks now. Which really complicates things. This summer is mad.

My phone said it was 102F (39C) at 3pm today.

Anyway, I have harvested the main coala on the Sour Diesel auto...






After the main coala was harvested...


Blue Kush auto


White Widow XXL auto



Pretty sure the corn isn't supposed to be this brown in July...
Man, that's scorched earth!! We are due rain in the south tonight and this weekend and cooler temperatures.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Loving this Sour Diesel auto by Dinafem. These are just some lower buds from the second of 3, staggered harvests. The lower buds took 10 days longer to finish.


Critical+ 2.0 auto by Dinafem (35 days old)


Quick Critical by Dinafem (35 days old)

White Widow XXL auto by Dinafem (30 days old)



Blue Kush auto by Dinafem (30 days old)




Yet again the Critical+ 2.0 auto looks to be the real pick of the bunch, just like last year, although the White Widow XXL is giving it a run for it's money by the looks of things. It will be interesting to see how these two compare in a few weeks time. As for the Sour Diesel, I will be sampling her tonight...

@Dinafem-Mark Would love to see some more auto releases in the run up to next season. Gorilla auto. Remo Chemo auto etc... Would love to see a Girl Scout Cookies auto as well, something like a GSC forum cut crossed with a C+ 2.0 auto, or Sour Diesel auto. That would be the icing on the cake.

I'll be sticking to autos next year as well. You just can't beat a summer harvest IMO, certainly in my neck of the woods. Chuffed to bits so far. :thumbsup:
Loving this Sour Diesel auto by Dinafem. These are just some lower buds from the second of 3, staggered harvests. The lower buds took 10 days longer to finish.
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Critical+ 2.0 auto by Dinafem (35 days old)
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Quick Critical by Dinafem (35 days old)
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White Widow XXL auto by Dinafem (30 days old)
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Blue Kush auto by Dinafem (30 days old)
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Yet again the Critical+ 2.0 auto looks to be the real pick of the bunch, just like last year, although the White Widow XXL is giving it a run for it's money by the looks of things. It will be interesting to see how these two compare in a few weeks time. As for the Sour Diesel, I will be sampling her tonight...

@Dinafem-Mark Would love to see some more auto releases in the run up to next season. Gorilla auto. Remo Chemo auto etc... Would love to see a Girl Scout Cookies auto as well, something like a GSC forum cut crossed with a C+ 2.0 auto, or Sour Diesel auto. That would be the icing on the cake.

I'll be sticking to autos next year as well. You just can't beat a summer harvest IMO, certainly in my neck of the woods. Chuffed to bits so far. :thumbsup:

Great grow man Auto's are the way forward for sure , especially out our side of the world they seem to handle our crazy weather pretty well and you can dodge the October weather :cooldance:
The temperature is back up to 95 degrees F again here today. This summer has been relentless.

My photoperiods are showing extreme drought and heat stress. I think they might die this month. 2 of them look half dead already. There's just no water left in the ground. The lower half of the photo plants are dead with all the leaves falling off. And that is with supplemented hand watering.

The autos are all fine though. I guess because they are smaller plants and haven't been in the ground as long, so their water requirements are less. Unbelievable if the heat and draught kills the photoperiods though. I think there is a 50:50 chance of losing them.
If you could get Aloe vera juice for heat stress and put some into some bottles of water for them it may help bro , the rain is starting to make an appearance over here this week you might see it soon :weed:
If you could get Aloe vera juice for heat stress and put some into some bottles of water for them it may help bro , the rain is starting to make an appearance over here this week you might see it soon :weed:

I'll give that a go mate. I'll try to get out to them tomorrow to administer the aloe, if possible. It's just been so hot lately. I might make an early morning visit. I bloody hope some rain arrives here fast. I have never seen it so dry before!
Got several wildfires raging here. I didn't want to get too close, but managed to snap a few pics. Didn't really pay attention to picture quality, or the pics themselves, just trying to get as many pics as possible under the frightening circumstances. Very worrying as two of these fires are within a mile of my plants...

IMG_8421 (1).jpg


A tree has caught alight in the field...

When I began getting smoked out, I knew it was time to get out of there....

The damn thing is moving in the direction of my plants as well, through field after field :nono:

Helicopters and planes are dropping water on the bigger fire to the south of me, which I assume is from water collected from the sea?

The fire raging to the south of me, in woodland, is far, far worse, with heavy police & fire engine cordons in place. I tried to get as close as I could, but I was told I was warned that I would be arrested unless I walked in the opposite direction. A civilian exclusion radius has been enforced preventing people getting close to it, but I got within 150m of it before being told to move back. This is as close as I could possibly get. Not that I wanted to get any closer. The pines are burning like crazy!



Where the fuck is the rain when you need it!!!!!???? :nono: If the big fire to the south of me is still burning tomorrow morning, I am taking the misses, the baby and the dog and driving north out of here... praying my plants don't get engulfed by the inferno. Less than a mile between my plants and the flames...
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