Deep Water Toker
Not exactly but like in all of nature everything is connected ,what your talking about is a Chlorophyll. production ,the chems that make plants green it is the molecule that absorbs sunlight and uses its energy to synthesise carbohydrates from CO2 and water. This process is known as photosynthesis .this fails at a certain point as the plant can no longer keep this process up. i call this action "blowing out Chlorophyll."I didn't know this, thanks for the info! Is it the TOC1 protein levels that makes a plant droopy before lights out?
yes of course ,think of it as jet lag ,it takes time to recover from but all will be fine and you wont even notice.haven't come across this before makes sense tho
need read up more on that
nicely put tho they haven't been going that long on 24 hour now
so should be fine to change??
thank again bro