New Live Intros Thread Maximum plants for 1 x 1000 HPS in SOG

Ideally you would run 4 plants per square foot that are clones or seeds or the same type. The issue with so many strains is no uniformity so you can do it but it might be a mess.

Under a 400 you could run 16 plants in a 2x2 space. In a 4x4-5x5 you could run 36-45. @stan_mephisto could probably better tell you for his strains.
Thank you 'Damien50' for your input as it is greatly appreciated!!!! I am an old outdoor 'photo' grower (90%). Plant on 4/1 and harvest on 9/15 to 10/15 depending on strain. Plants yield up to 5 LBS each and 15 feet tall by 6 feet wide, some strains. I really do not know what I am doing, once I read all the responses from the AFN per my thread. Guys are getting fantastic results in 4' by 4' tents with 1000 HPS. I do not have a tent and can't afford one at this time or I would get one - or am I wrong in thinking that my set-up is inferior (too old school for AF strains). I have a wide open 30' by 20 ' by 8' space. Tent seems to hold in all the light as a tent has sides and my room , outside of the light coverage area (sweet spot 5' by 5'), there are shelves with junk on them. Should I go for it anyway. How many plants would you go with, of the strains I list in the initial thread, at a minimum, for 1000 HPS? Which of the Mephisto AF's would you plant & why? I like indica stone the best, but can appreciate a mixed buzz to, so as to not get couch lock 1st thing in the AM.
4 mephisto girls in a 4x4. In 3 gallon bags. 2 coulda filled it had I been able to train them out. Girl on the back right came in with 10.5 oz dry.

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9 girls, 3 mephisto, 3 mephisto crosses of my own, (gold glue X sour stomper) and 3 from a different breeder. All in 1 gallon bags. With 5 weeks left.
I went this route for a seed run, these have been culled down from an original 20.

4x4 is 16 sq feet or about 62w per square foot with the 1000. The MH, isn't going to give you good results in flower. It is a great vegetative light tho.
Sounds like you've got an old photo setup, MH for the "veg" tent and hps for the flowering.
I'd still run hps, but am in California, can't afford over double the electricity costs... loved the end product under 1000s...

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4 mephisto girls in a 4x4. In 3 gallon bags. 2 coulda filled it had I been able to train them out. Girl on the back right came in with 10.5 oz dry.

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9 girls, 3 mephisto, 3 mephisto crosses of my own, (gold glue X sour stomper) and 3 from a different breeder. All in 1 gallon bags. With 5 weeks left.
I went this route for a seed run, these have been culled down from an original 20.

4x4 is 16 sq feet or about 62w per square foot with the 1000. The MH, isn't going to give you good results in flower. It is a great vegetative light tho.
Sounds like you've got an old photo setup, MH for the "veg" tent and hps for the flowering.
I'd still run hps, but am in California, can't afford over double the electricity costs... loved the end product under 1000s...

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Thanks for the input as it is much appreciated! You are one hell of a master grower, IMO. GRRRRRReat job in a smallish space. Keep up the wonderful results.
Thank you 'Damien50' for your input as it is greatly appreciated!!!! I am an old outdoor 'photo' grower (90%). Plant on 4/1 and harvest on 9/15 to 10/15 depending on strain. Plants yield up to 5 LBS each and 15 feet tall by 6 feet wide, some strains. I really do not know what I am doing, once I read all the responses from the AFN per my thread. Guys are getting fantastic results in 4' by 4' tents with 1000 HPS. I do not have a tent and can't afford one at this time or I would get one - or am I wrong in thinking that my set-up is inferior (too old school for AF strains). I have a wide open 30' by 20 ' by 8' space. Tent seems to hold in all the light as a tent has sides and my room , outside of the light coverage area (sweet spot 5' by 5'), there are shelves with junk on them. Should I go for it anyway. How many plants would you go with, of the strains I list in the initial thread, at a minimum, for 1000 HPS? Which of the Mephisto AF's would you plant & why? I like indica stone the best, but can appreciate a mixed buzz to, so as to not get couch lock 1st thing in the AM.

You already know how to grow and the results are impressive.

A tent isn't necessary when you have a room. If you can manage your temperature humidity, because you already, know how to grow I think you'll be fine. Your lights are a heat and efficiency issue but again you seem to be a good grower.

I can't really tell you how many to go with. I think you should really message @stan_mephisto to give you a good idea if what strains of good to choose from.

In my opinion, your outdoor skill makes you superior for growing autos and lbs don't just happen by accident. I don't think they are harder than photos and I don't think you will have problems. I've been growing for for a miniature amount of time compared to yourself but I think sending Stan a message will get you sorted out just right.
You already know how to grow and the results are impressive.

A tent isn't necessary when you have a room. If you can manage your temperature humidity, because you already, know how to grow I think you'll be fine. Your lights are a heat and efficiency issue but again you seem to be a good grower.

I can't really tell you how many to go with. I think you should really message @stan_mephisto to give you a good idea if what strains of good to choose from.

In my opinion, your outdoor skill makes you superior for growing autos and lbs don't just happen by accident. I don't think they are harder than photos and I don't think you will have problems. I've been growing for for a miniature amount of time compared to yourself but I think sending Stan a message will get you sorted out just right.
Thank you 'Damien50' for all your inputs. It is definitely helping me a lot! And thanks for the compliments. You are too kind. For me outdoors is much more fun & has far superior yields, but the process takes 5 to 6 months of a living hell (scared & nervous all the time!). But, smells & heights are & were a concern with jealous neighbors who also imbibe, via dispensary warehouse grown stuff. The dispensary stuff was always a notch or 2 less potent than outdoor sun-grown buds and is very expensive here in Phoenix, Arizona, @ $60.00 per 1/8 OZ ($480.00 usd PER oz), for 'Papa OG', their best.

I just e-mailed Stan of Mephisto. I checked and I have 1 x 600 HPS in my collection also, that I forgot to mention in my initial thread - so it's 1 x 1000HPS, 1 x 600 HPS, & 1 x 400 MH. I want to utilize the all 3 lights, with the 400 MH initially (1st 30 days of veg), then also use it during flowering as 'filler' light, unless Stan tells me not to. I re-worded the thread to Stan and it's open to the AFN community for viewing & comments. Let's see if Stan can help and how long it may take.
Thanks for the input "@Machamillion"! Which are the most fire strains I have in my collection, per your smoke tests? Good luck with your recently started new grow.
I have not run my strawberry nuggets yet but the 24 c is a good indica strong strain. I'm liking his OD and avt for good stone. The FC and s&s look awesome and are strong just not long lasting imo. 3bog and 4 assed monkey I have going now and just drying up a jammy dodgers that smells amazing.
any questions on anything just shoot me a pm. I spent a few years working in az. I was all over the state but spent majority tme in the Prescott Valley and flagstaff areas. miss it.
I have not run my strawberry nuggets yet but the 24 c is a good indica strong strain. I'm liking his OD and avt for good stone. The FC and s&s look awesome and are strong just not long lasting imo. 3bog and 4 assed monkey I have going now and just drying up a jammy dodgers that smells amazing.
any questions on anything just shoot me a pm. I spent a few years working in az. I was all over the state but spent majority tme in the Prescott Valley and flagstaff areas. miss it.
Thanks 'Machamillion' for your inputs as it is greatly appreciated with your expertise with AF beans. Can you help me with the acronyms, as I am a little behind the times & with texting? What does "OD", "AVT", "FC", and "S&S" stand for - as I am a newbie and do not know? Prescott Valley (P.V.) & Flagstaff are way different than Phoenix during May through September, as I know you know. I have been to PV once since 1992 and have never been to Flagstaff. I don't get out much & travel, unfortunately.
od= orange diesel, avt alien vs triangle, FC forgotten cookies, s&s sweet and sour all Mephisto strains

Thanks 'Machamillion' for your inputs as it is greatly appreciated with your expertise with AF beans. Can you help me with the acronyms, as I am a little behind the times & with texting? What does "OD", "AVT", "FC", and "S&S" stand for - as I am a newbie and do not know? Prescott Valley (P.V.) & Flagstaff are way different than Phoenix during May through September, as I know you know. I have been to PV once since 1992 and have never been to Flagstaff. I don't get out much & travel, unfortunately.
That's why I bought the 24 carat & Strawberry Nuggets from Mitch. I like strong indicas buzz at end of day - sometimes even in the morning wake-n-bake! Mitch claims their 'Strawberry Nuggets' is 100% Pure Indica! What kind of a buzz did you get from their 24 Carat? Can you describe the effects in detail, if possible?
Loved my time spent around oak creek canyon, Jerome lol, Sedona.
My mistake

That's why I bought the 24 carat & Strawberry Nuggets from Mitch. I like strong indicas buzz at end of day - sometimes even in the morning wake-n-bake! Mitch claims their 'Strawberry Nuggets' is 100% Pure Indica! What kind of a buzz did you get from their 24 Carat? Can you describe the effects in detail, if possible?
I was wrong. It's 24 Carat that is 100% indica genetics. Strawberry Nugs are 85% indica/15% Sat. My mistake.