hey there TBM
i'm sorry that you feel that way but i understand completely where you are coming from
the main purpose of this thread is as Noods has said, to ensure that those of us with low-key threads and those of us who believe we aren't getting much traffic through our threads get some 'advertising' out there... it is generally frowned upon to post inside other people's threads "hey check out my grow" or other such phrases. this "shameless self promotion" is encouraged here and people of all ages from different places and different times can all come here to not only show each other what they have but also see what other people have done with their time
ultimately this is like this "Department store catalogue" that you get in your mailbox every week, it shows you what is available and you can make your mind up about which you would like to see and purchase
now TBM, if this thread offends you so, please let me know and i'll happily shut it down, but for all those of us in here who have taken it on in the 4 days it has been active, remember, most of us haven't had this much traffic through our actual grow threads for quite a while
also i will add that we aren't actually taking up that much more in the way of server space as the images we upload here have already been uploaded to the server through the agttachment function whilst posting our regular threads, these pictures are already stored on the server, all we are doing is linking them here in order to cross-promote ourselves, if it is my video that you are concerned about, i am happy to point out that it is stored on the youtube servers
either way, if you disagree with this thread i understand and will relinquish it to your 'closed' sticker
kindest of regards
if anyone has any further concerns about this thread, please voice them

all submissions will be opened