Mephisto Genetics Gringo's perpetual Mephisto grow .... HubbaBubbaHaze harvested

plants looking excellent Gringo!

Forum Stomper, day 65 fbs

Switched from Big Bud to Overdrive, feeding her daily with AN A+B 1ml/l each, Overdrive 1ml/l, CalMag 0,4ml/l and Carboload at 1ml/l. Additionally she gets Recharge once per week.

i rarely ever went above 1ml per L with AN Sensi, always seemed too strong. i recently switched to Greenleaf and am finding it easier going but i'll be doing some AN vs MC grows in future. how long have you been using Recharge? i keep looking at that and/or Mammoth P but they're both rather expensive.

the Forum Stomper looks exceptional mate, great growing :clapper:
plants looking excellent Gringo!

i rarely ever went above 1ml per L with AN Sensi, always seemed too strong. i recently switched to Greenleaf and am finding it easier going but i'll be doing some AN vs MC grows in future. how long have you been using Recharge? i keep looking at that and/or Mammoth P but they're both rather expensive.

the Forum Stomper looks exceptional mate, great growing :clapper:

What kind of water do you use? I use RO adding CalMag to raise EC to 0,2, then I add base nutes and supplements. Even at full strength (CalMag + Sensi at 1,5ml/L + BigBud at 1ml/L) EC never gets higher than 1,25. never ever had ph issues ... love the stuff honestly. I don‘t apply strong feeds .. Ec 0,6 at day 1-20, Ec 0,75 day 21-25, Ec 0,9 day 26-40, Ec 1,0 day 41-45, Ec 1,25 day 46-50 then slowly dropping to Ec 0,9 at +/- day 62, then slowly dropping to Ec 0,7 then flush

You can‘t buy Recharge at my place so I had to import it from USA. You only need a small amount of it once per week .... not expensive at all! Don‘t remember exactly but I think I paid more or less 60 bugs including all fees and it will cover at least 2 years of continuous growing.
This product is f*ing awesome! First time that I really SAW a clear improvement by using a new product ... impressive! BTW it also reduces ph sensitivity and will most likely allow you to use even less of your base nutes.

Can‘t say anything regarding Mammoth P but I think that @TaNg wasn‘t convinced by it.

:thanks: Very much for your visit and kind words!
What kind of water do you use? I use RO adding CalMag to raise EC to 0,2, then I add base nutes and supplements. Even at full strength (CalMag + Sensi at 1,5ml/L + BigBud at 1ml/L) EC never gets higher than 1,25. never ever had ph issues ... love the stuff honestly. I don‘t apply strong feeds .. Ec 0,6 at day 1-20, Ec 0,75 day 21-25, Ec 0,9 day 26-40, Ec 1,0 day 41-45, Ec 1,25 day 46-50 then slowly dropping to Ec 0,9 at +/- day 62, then slowly dropping to Ec 0,7 then flush

You can‘t buy Recharge at my place so I had to import it from USA. You only need a small amount of it once per week .... not expensive at all! Don‘t remember exactly but I think I paid more or less 60 bugs including all fees and it will cover at least 2 years of continuous growing.
This product is f*ing awesome! First time that I really SAW a clear improvement by using a new product ... impressive! BTW it also reduces ph sensitivity and will most likely allow you to use even less of your base nutes.

Can‘t say anything regarding Mammoth P but I think that @TaNg wasn‘t convinced by it.

:thanks: Very much for your visit and kind words!

i recently switched to RO water as my tap water wasn't great. also recently switched to growing in coco. i wasn't monitoring EC/PPM's whilst using the AN lineup in lightmix soil and it caused me problems, but now i have better processes and understanding i will use up my AN nutrients at some point!

since switching to Greenleaf i'm not using any products like that - i used to use Voodoo Juice but i can't say it blows me away.

i just checked and found Recharge is available in the UK now - just ordered 8oz bag, delivery tomorrow :cheers: thanks bro.
i recently switched to RO water as my tap water wasn't great. also recently switched to growing in coco. i wasn't monitoring EC/PPM's whilst using the AN lineup in lightmix soil and it caused me problems, but now i have better processes and understanding i will use up my AN nutrients at some point!

since switching to Greenleaf i'm not using any products like that - i used to use Voodoo Juice but i can't say it blows me away.

i just checked and found Recharge is available in the UK now - just ordered 8oz bag, delivery tomorrow :cheers: thanks bro.

You won‘t regret the Recharge buy ... quite sure about it :cheers:

It seems that the importance of water is often underestimated. A bad EC can ruin everything. The problem is that even using water with a quite low EC says nothing about the quality of it regarding the needs of you girls, except you know the exact composition of it. Using tap water with a high Ec (f.e. my tap water has an Ec of 0,5!) is even worse.
There are many guys around using feeding schedules which work fantastically in other‘s grows and a lot worse in their own ... one of the main reasons is the use of unsuitable water.
agreed 100%, water quality was something i really hoped i wouldn't have to worry about when i started growing as it was harder/more expensive to fix. i would leave it out for 24 hours plus and hope for the best. i bought a PPM meter after switching to coco and found my water is also 0.5-0.6 EC range...adding a "light" feed of AN nutes, 1ml per L, brought it up to 1.8 EC / 1100 PPM. add the fact i was not always watering to runoff and those PPMs really start to build up fast!
my Double Grape is my first plant that hasn't been near my tap water and i can safely say it is the healthiest start i've had so far :cheers: hopefully this continues and i'm super excited to see how they like the Recharge! the reviews on Amazon are dazzling :pop:

so Orange Diesel is down, what's the next strain going in? :pass:
BTW ... Megacrop is used by a lot of growers with outstanding results and there are others using bloom nutrients (AN, Canna ...whatever) during the whole grow with big success but personally I do not like to feed my plants with nutes, especially macronutrients they do not need at the moment. I try to work always with a preferably low EC „formed“ only by the nutes which are needed in the respective stage of the plant‘s lifespan.

For example: the first 20 days I feed with an EC=0,6. Therefore I use RO water + 0,25ml/L „MagneCal+“ (PlantMagic) ..Ec=0,2. Then I add 2ml/L Plagron Terra Grow Ec=0,6.
NPK Terra Grow: 3-1-3
Using a bloom nutrient or an all purpose nutrient at the same Ec means feeding a high dose of P which is not needed and to sacrifice N+K.

But as I said before .... Megacrop,seems to be an excellent product and there are a lot of growers around doing a way better job than myself, so it‘s just the way I personally like to grow my plants.

Hope you understand what I‘m trying to say .. would be a lot easier to do it in my mother tongue :coffee2:
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agreed 100%, water quality was something i really hoped i wouldn't have to worry about when i started growing as it was harder/more expensive to fix. i would leave it out for 24 hours plus and hope for the best. i bought a PPM meter after switching to coco and found my water is also 0.5-0.6 EC range...adding a "light" feed of AN nutes, 1ml per L, brought it up to 1.8 EC / 1100 PPM. add the fact i was not always watering to runoff and those PPMs really start to build up fast!
my Double Grape is my first plant that hasn't been near my tap water and i can safely say it is the healthiest start i've had so far :cheers: hopefully this continues and i'm super excited to see how they like the Recharge! the reviews on Amazon are dazzling :pop:

so Orange Diesel is down, what's the next strain going in? :pass:

I soaked an Illuminauto [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG] aka White Stomper (Walter White x Sour Stomper) which was released in 2016, I guess. Received it as a freebie with one of my last orders.
I hope it will germ... I use the @slowandeasy germ-tech and my seeds always pop in less than 72 hours. Now I‘m counting 98 hours without a sign of a seedling. Moisture is good, temps are very stable between 26 and 28C (78,8 - 82,4F) .... it‘s not easy to be patient. Hopefully it works!
understood completely mate, i'm sure there are arguments to be made against "all in one" in terms of excess unneeded nutrients at the different stages and i understand what you mean about wasted EC/PPMs, you don't want a load of P taking up the PPM space for N early on. had it not been for the results i've seen here using MC on autoflowers specifically, i don't think i would have tried it myself.

ahhh yes...White Stomper. i too was gifted a couple of these old beans a couple of months back and was super excited to get my mitts on an older cross. these, and my Sour Bubbly freebies (again, 2015/16 cross, old stuff) are the only beans i couldn't get to pop. i hope you have better luck than me because it sounds like an amazing cross. good luck friend.