Mephisto Genetics Gringo's perpetual Mephisto grow .... HubbaBubbaHaze harvested

:thanks: Slow. Tap root was short and thick. But I learned something so it was not a complete loss for me.

Thanks again and happy growing!
Short and thick = Dud

You didn't do anything wrong per say. It was not going to pop up, and your movement didn't ruin it. This can happen with older stock, the open grow a nub...but won't sprout. Good luck, lesson learned. The Taproot will be super fragile on those and bust off with minor movement. Bad seed, it happens on 2+ year old seed at times. While others will pop fine. I have some Old ass Sour Blues seeds. I assumed would not germ, but they did fine and I gave 4 to my old roommate from college after they popped up. Storage and age can decrease germination rates. Cool dark place helps with long term storage. Peace, slow
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Short and thick = Dud

You didn't do anything wrong per say. It was not going to pop up, and your movement didn't ruin it. This can happen with older stock, the open grow a nub...but won't sprout. Good luck, lesson learned. The Taproot will be super fragile on those and bust off with minor movement. Bad seed, it happens on 2+ year old seed at times. While others will pop fine. I have some Old ass Sour Blues seeds. I assumed would not germ, but they did fine and I gave 4 to my old roommate from college after they popped up. Storage and age can decrease germination rates. Cool dark place helps with long term storage. Peace, slow

Thank you, Slow for your explanation... big help! :slap:
Network changes seem to be done so I hope system will be stable during my weekly update.

Orange Diesel was chopped last week, dried in paper bags and buds are starting their cure. Smoke is already excellent ...smooth, thick and very tasty! She yielded 1,99gr/w (97gr / 3,42oz) ... would have yielded more with a better training.

05-05-001 OV.JPG

After the "#11-dud" I decided to germ a Fantasmo Express to fill the empty space of my tent quickly. I still have 4 seeds of [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG] so I'll try it again after Forum Stomper is done. This time I'll germinate 2 seeds hoping that 1 of them will sprout.

Fantasmo Express
day 1 fbs
05-05-002 FE.JPG
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Sour Stomper day 51 fbs

Comparing my plants of previous grows with others grower's ladies I noticed that mine were paler during their first 7 weeks of life. That's why I raised my base nutrients a bit during veg. First time that I've got cal issues .... not badly so I gave her 1 extra dose of MagneCal+ (just once) and reduced the base nutes. Don't think these issues will cause noticiable defs in yield or quality. At least I hope so.
Lighter nutes = less issues .... lesson learned

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Forum Stomper day 72 fbs

Received her last portion of Recharge. Feeding her Overdrive at 1ml/l, Carboload at 1ml/l, MagneCal+ at 0,4ml/l and Sensi A+B at 0,5ml/l for the next few days. In 4-5 days I'll switch to plain water.

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Cheers and happy growing!
I liked my Ghost Toof structure as well. Looking good! Keep it up, peace slowandeasy

Thanks Slow. It‘s my first Ghost Toof ... do you still remember when your plant stopped stretching and also when it was ready to be chopped?

:drool: that :drool: Forum :drool: Stomper :drool:

:clapper: she's beautiful mate, super healthy too, great growing man.

:thanks: Froot! She won‘t be a big yielder but I know from my first grow that quality and smoke of this strain are outstanding.
How are you doing with Recharge so far? Starting to use it on older plants you most probably won’t see a big difference. First time I applied it was on a 18 day old girl and I was highly amazed about the improvement she showed the following days. Now, using it from start till end, plants show a healthier and better overall growth and need approximately 20% less base nutrients than before.
Thanks Slow. It‘s my first Ghost Toof ... do you still remember when your plant stopped stretching and also when it was ready to be chopped?

:thanks: Froot! She won‘t be a big yielder but I know from my first grow that quality and smoke of this strain are outstanding.
How are you doing with Recharge so far? Starting to use it on older plants you most probably won’t see a big difference. First time I applied it was on a 18 day old girl and I was highly amazed about the improvement she showed the following days. Now, using it from start till end, plants show a healthier and better overall growth and need approximately 20% less base nutrients than before.

I honestly don't know the exact dates, but it didn't stretch a ton and finished rather quickly. A medium sized pheno for me. Open structure and minimal training, some leaf tucking. Respectable yield, and positive feedback from my patients. Honestly, there are only a few strains I won't run again from Mephisto and 1 or 2 are extinct anyways. Most of the newer strains are frosty and greasy as hell. I go by patient feedback and Rosin pressing for myself. Most of the times the Super Terpene heavy strains smoke better than Pressing. If they don't press well, I won't do them for myself...but will for my patients. Like CDLC, it is beautiful if done well, But not great Pressing. Smokes wonderfully, and nice big/dense buds are visually pleasing to people who ignite their herb.

Btw, I am not sure the best application for Recharge? I would assume Medium and plant size would effect the frequency. I too noticed a difference in growth within 48hours on all 8 plants I used it on. However, I am curious to see if a LOWER dose rate...but daily use would work with Automated feeding? Say 1/4 tsp per gal or less with daily feeding in Small pots? Having only used recharge a handful of times in tbe past, I handwatered. I am wondering if it would fall out or leave a residue in a Pump system? I know the Microbes are only good for a few days once mixed. So I was also considering adding 2-3 times per week. Letting the res to get low before adding few Gal with Recharge. This mix might last 2 days or so? Then add 2 days worth of normal nutes, and Recharge water 2 days later? So 2x per week, but the Automated system would allow for consistent feeding for 2 full days with Recharge added. I think that would be better vs a larger dose 1x per week in a Rez in my fast feeding Coco set up. Peace, slow