Mephisto Genetics Gringo's perpetual Mephisto grow .... HubbaBubbaHaze harvested

@slowandeasy im fairly certain the folks who make recharge say to use it within 24 hours of mixing. I looked it up in the past when I wanted to mix a gallon and use it to hand feed an autopot tray, I was curious how long the gallon was good for since the plant it was mixed for wasn’t going to drink the whole gallon in one day.
@gringuito98, I just got off of the phone with Real Grower Recharge customer service. The guy on the phone is a Coco grower and uses Drippers. He suggests using Recharge 1x per week at a Double Dose. So 1 tap per gal. He suggests using it stand alone, not mixed with nutes. No need to pH. Just Recharge and water, for 1 Handwater per week. I am hooking up an Automated system Friday, so I wanted to know the best way to use Recharge with Dripper. He SAID TO NOT use Recharge in a Drip system. It creates a film and will clog stuff eventually. So I will be using Recharge only 1x per week @ 1 tsp per gal of straight water. Not mixed with nutes. Will be handwatering, then put Drippers on as normal. Peace, slow
@slowandeasy im fairly certain the folks who make recharge say to use it within 24 hours of mixing. I looked it up in the past when I wanted to mix a gallon and use it to hand feed an autopot tray, I was curious how long the gallon was good for since the plant it was mixed for wasn’t going to drink the whole gallon in one day.
I am sure peak time is within 24 hours. I believe instructions say wiyhin 48 hours. But upon calling a few minutes ago, I will follow their advice. 1g per Gal of RO water and Handwatering 1x per week. Don't pH it at all and top water only 1x per week with it at a double dose. Sounds good to me, mix it right away and use it as is with straight water. I was Leary of feeding the higher pH Recharge only water...but it is okay according to the it will buffer upon feeding. So I will trust this, as I was told to usr it stand alone without nutes or pHing by another member a long time ago. I used it both ways. I used without nutes last week and mixed with butes yesterday. I will not add with nutes any more. Thanks for the reply, slow
:thanks: Froot! She won‘t be a big yielder but I know from my first grow that quality and smoke of this strain are outstanding.
How are you doing with Recharge so far? Starting to use it on older plants you most probably won’t see a big difference. First time I applied it was on a 18 day old girl and I was highly amazed about the improvement she showed the following days. Now, using it from start till end, plants show a healthier and better overall growth and need approximately 20% less base nutrients than before.

Quality is paramount and she's got buckets of quality just oozing out! I will grow this one for sure someday soon.
No problems with the Recharge so far, all the girls look happy with it, used a couple of times on each plant so far and will taper down to weekly applications. the def' on the Samsquanch seems to have stopped in it's tracks but admittedly i upped both the calmag and PK boosters slightly along with the Recharge...but so far so good! :thumbsup:
I am sure peak time is within 24 hours. I believe instructions say wiyhin 48 hours. But upon calling a few minutes ago, I will follow their advice. 1g per Gal of RO water and Handwatering 1x per week. Don't pH it at all and top water only 1x per week with it at a double dose. Sounds good to me, mix it right away and use it as is with straight water. I was Leary of feeding the higher pH Recharge only water...but it is okay according to the it will buffer upon feeding. So I will trust this, as I was told to usr it stand alone without nutes or pHing by another member a long time ago. I used it both ways. I used without nutes last week and mixed with butes yesterday. I will not add with nutes any more. Thanks for the reply, slow

Thank you for all your infos regarding Ghost Toof.
I would have answered your Recharge questions earlier but had a medical examination today so my thoughts were elsewhere.
Glad you have already the required information ... I would have told you more or less the same:
- once per week
- not good in automated systems
- not good to airstones (dwc) .... growing dwc you can use it but not in your res. In this case it‘s better to prepare f.e. a 1/4 to 1/2 gal RO water + Recharge and pure it very slowly close to the stem so Recharge will moisten the roots
- if you want to use it together (mixed) with nutes, you could do that if you apply it with a low EC and low phosphorus (too high EC and/or too high phosphorus will kill the beneficial bacteria) ..... best is just water and Recharge.
- you can add products like AN Carboload, molasses,etc. to your daily feeding once you started with Recharge to feed the microbes and keep them happy
- it‘s good to keep an eye on your feeding because plants need less nutes (in my case aprox. 20% less base nutes)
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Quality is paramount and she's got buckets of quality just oozing out! I will grow this one for sure someday soon.
No problems with the Recharge so far, all the girls look happy with it, used a couple of times on each plant so far and will taper down to weekly applications. the def' on the Samsquanch seems to have stopped in it's tracks but admittedly i upped both the calmag and PK boosters slightly along with the Recharge...but so far so good! :thumbsup:

:thanks: mate!
Glad your Samsquanch is back on track again!
Slow, whats this recharge you speak of?
Thanks Guito, Time to start counting my pennies.
Wishing you all a beautiful Sunday, here my weekly update.


front left Ghost Toof, front right Sour Stomper, back right Forum Stomper

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Fantasmo Express, day 8. Transplanted and watered with Recharge.

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