Mephisto Genetics Gringo's perpetual Mephisto grow .... HubbaBubbaHaze harvested

understood completely mate, i'm sure there are arguments to be made against "all in one" in terms of excess unneeded nutrients at the different stages and i understand what you mean about wasted EC/PPMs, you don't want a load of P taking up the PPM space for N early on. had it not been for the results i've seen here using MC on autoflowers specifically, i don't think i would have tried it myself.

ahhh yes...White Stomper. i too was gifted a couple of these old beans a couple of months back and was super excited to get my mitts on an older cross. these, and my Sour Bubbly freebies (again, 2015/16 cross, old stuff) are the only beans i couldn't get to pop. i hope you have better luck than me because it sounds like an amazing cross. good luck friend.

Thanks mate! Really appreciate it :pass:
I soaked an Illuminauto [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG] aka White Stomper (Walter White x Sour Stomper) which was released in 2016, I guess. Received it as a freebie with one of my last orders.
I hope it will germ... I use the @slowandeasy germ-tech and my seeds always pop in less than 72 hours. Now I‘m counting 98 hours without a sign of a seedling. Moisture is good, temps are very stable between 26 and 28C (78,8 - 82,4F) .... it‘s not easy to be patient. Hopefully it works!
Sounds like old seeds. The ONLY Strain that I have failed with is The White Train, which was old stock. Lightly uncover and see what's up with the seed. It may have gotten to packed down or too deep.
Sounds like old seeds. The ONLY Strain that I have failed with is The White Train, which was old stock. Lightly uncover and see what's up with the seed. It may have gotten to packed down or too deep.

Thanks Slow! Will do that tomorrow and post it ... appreciate your help :toke:
No prob, always worth a shot to uncoverband check. But honestly knowing they are older makes you wonder if they are just duds or maybe hard shells even. Hopefully they are just stubborn! Good luck, slow

Thanks Slow ... I don‘t have much experience with older seeds. How long would you give it a chance? Or is it difficult to say? I am not in hurry but don‘t want to wait unjustifiably too long either.
I recently went though this with my 2017 Black Friday seeds, my 3bogs didn’t crack and niether did a few others. That’s why I went with forgotten cookies before the testers to make sure it doesn’t get too old. I would say like 1 year to a year and a half Imo? The forgotten cookies I got from May 2018 SN realease. I had to stop growing for a year but now I’m back trying to germ all my old strains before it’s too late.
Thanks Slow ... I don‘t have much experience with older seeds. How long would you give it a chance? Or is it difficult to say? I am not in hurry but don‘t want to wait unjustifiably too long either.

I have heard of seeds popping after being underground for a week or so. However, I highly suggest just uncovering and seeing for yourself. If the seed is dark and unopened at all by now, it is not a great sign. But you can also have a sideways seed that is actually opened and buried. If you don't see a seedling after 3-4 days using my method you should investigate gently. Then lightly recover the seed when done. Unless you think it is a failure. A bunk seed will be mushy by now. I would say 2 year old is ok, but can go either way depending on strain and storage of seeds, ect. Good luck, slow
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@slowandeasy @Rule420

:thanks: guys for your helping hand.

Today I gently uncovered the seed. The shell was slightly open and a small taproot was visible. So far so good but then: :wall: and again :wall: .. and one more time:wall:... ...... I thought it would be a good idea to open it up a bit more. I‘m such an imbecile! Clumsy as I am I damaged the taproot ... the tip broke away.
I put the damaged seed back into the coco but I‘m sure I messed it up.
Still have 7 Fantasmo Express seeds so I started to soak one today which will be planted tomorrow.

Still have 4 seeds of [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG] and I will try it again when my Forum Stomper is ready to knock on heavens door ... 2-3 weeks from now on. But then I will extend the initial soak, add a little more H2O2 and be more gentle with it if I must uncover it again. I hope I have my lesson learned.

Cheers and happy growing,

@slowandeasy @Rule420

:thanks: guys for your helping hand.

Today I gently uncovered the seed. The shell was slightly open and a small taproot was visible. So far so good but then: :wall: and again :wall: .. and one more time:wall:... ...... I thought it would be a good idea to open it up a bit more. I‘m such an imbecile! Clumsy as I am I damaged the taproot ... the tip broke away.
I put the damaged seed back into the coco but I‘m sure I messed it up.
Still have 7 Fantasmo Express seeds so I started to soak one today which will be planted tomorrow.

Still have 4 seeds of [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG] and I will try it again when my Forum Stomper is ready to knock on heavens door ... 2-3 weeks from now on. But then I will extend the initial soak, add a little more H2O2 and be more gentle with it if I must uncover it again. I hope I have my lesson learned.

Cheers and happy growing,

Sounds like it was a failed seed to me. The Taproot can easily fall off if it is messed with. If it was not long, but more thick looking, it was a dud. If it had a nice little tail, it was viable. But a short stubby tap root without any Growth is a dud fwiw. Don't worry about it. But lesson learned, uncover if needed. Gently...but don't go moving it around if it looks viable. Just gently recover and let time pass and it should pop up. Don't remove she'll until up and not off. Many times they she'd themselves.
Sounds like it was a failed seed to me. The Taproot can easily fall off if it is messed with. If it was not long, but more thick looking, it was a dud. If it had a nice little tail, it was viable. But a short stubby tap root without any Growth is a dud fwiw. Don't worry about it. But lesson learned, uncover if needed. Gently...but don't go moving it around if it looks viable. Just gently recover and let time pass and it should pop up. Don't remove she'll until up and not off. Many times they she'd themselves.

:thanks: Slow. Tap root was short and thick. But I learned something so it was not a complete loss for me.

Thanks again and happy growing!