Mephisto Genetics Gringo's perpetual Mephisto grow .... HubbaBubbaHaze harvested

the velvet leaves on the Orange Diesel are driving me CRAZY!

Forum Stomper looks most excellent too, don't see enough of these grown out which keeps it lower on my to-do are putting it back up top with this grow mate :thumbsup:

If your looking for a nice hybrid producing a good and quite strong amount of „happy-weed“ (makes you feel good) you should put it back on top of your list. There are only few documented grows but honestly I don‘t understand why .... for me one of the best smokes! She grows very branchy so a good plant management helps.

Grow her ... you won’t regret! :smokeit:

Cheers and happy growing!
Time for an update... Pics were taken yesterday but my wife came back from a short trip with some friends, so I had other plans and decided to post them today :jointman:


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Last time with Orange Diesel .. chopped her yesterday (day 85 fbs)
Ghost Toof, day 26 fbs

Nice plant so far ... liked beeing topped and trained. LST was started a t day 20, now she has a nice and even canopy and is ready to take off.

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Sour Stomper, day 44 fbs

Plant management is easier than on her sister Forum Stomper. I try to grow her as open and "clean" as possible. I think she will be more or less 10 days faster than FSt.

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Forum Stomper, day 65 fbs

Switched from Big Bud to Overdrive, feeding her daily with AN A+B 1ml/l each, Overdrive 1ml/l, CalMag 0,4ml/l and Carboload at 1ml/l. Additionally she gets Recharge once per week.

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My Sour Stomper, growing her for the first time, seems to be quite happy and shows a good branching, so I topped her yesterday above the 4th node (day 16 from seed). LST will be started asap.

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Looking great man! Sour stomper is one of my favorites and ive only grown one. To me while she’s curing she’s got the mint choco smell mixed with sour grapes. Fine smoke fo sho.

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Looking great man! Sour stomper is one of my favorites and ive only grown one. To me while she’s curing she’s got the mint choco smell mixed with sour grapes. Fine smoke fo sho.

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Thanks man! The smell of her is already intoxicating ... love it! ..would describe it sweet and grapey