Mephisto Genetics Gringo's perpetual Mephisto grow .... HubbaBubbaHaze harvested

And finally Orange Diesel, day 77 fbs

Very stinky and sticky lady! Buds are swelling so branches needed support. She's partially cloudy and will be harvested next weekend. Started to flush her yesterday.

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20-04-012 OD.JPG

20-04-013 OD.JPG

Cheers and happy growing!
Gringuito's Easter update

First an overview of my little tent. Quite crowdy in here :rolleyes1:.

On my Forum Stomper (front right), one of the branches was a bit predominant so I supercropped and fixed it with tape.

View attachment 1047765
Looking good, how often are you watering now? Do you water to runoff? You may be able to water more, the Coco looks kinda dry. The plants look great, what sized pots? Keep it up, slow
Looking good, how often are you watering now? Do you water to runoff? You may be able to water more, the Coco looks kinda dry. The plants look great, what sized pots? Keep it up, slow

Thank you @slowandeasy for stopping by and breathing life into my little journal.

I use 15l (4gal) airpots. They get one feed per day with no to just a little runoff. Would be difficult for me to water them more often. That‘s the reason why I do not use 100% coco but a mix of 1 part Canna coco and 2 parts Plagron lightmix (contains perlite). After a bit of experimenting I found out that this mix is perfect for my needs .. coco and perlite for a good aeration and the soil retains just enough water to avoid a too low level of moisture between the feeds. Only the top layer of my pots are 100% coco for easier watering. BTW I‘m using a quite simple compact cam (Canon ixus 80) so pics aren‘t as detailed and good as I would like them to be.

Cheers and happy growing!
Thank you @slowandeasy for stopping by and breathing life into my little journal.

I use 15l (4gal) airpots. They get one feed per day with no to just a little runoff. Would be difficult for me to water them more often. That‘s the reason why I do not use 100% coco but a mix of 1 part Canna coco and 2 parts Plagron lightmix (contains perlite). After a bit of experimenting I found out that this mix is perfect for my needs .. coco and perlite for a good aeration and the soil retains just enough water to avoid a too low level of moisture between the feeds. Only the top layer of my pots are 100% coco for easier watering. BTW I‘m using a quite simple compact cam (Canon ixus 80) so pics aren‘t as detailed and good as I would like them to be.

Cheers and happy growing!
Makes sense, I was just seeing the top. Good work, keep it up!
the velvet leaves on the Orange Diesel are driving me CRAZY!

Forum Stomper looks most excellent too, don't see enough of these grown out which keeps it lower on my to-do are putting it back up top with this grow mate :thumbsup: