Outdoor Gringo's 2017 New England Guerilla Grow

Hey guys, thanks for the views and comments. Definitely excited about these girls, expecting flowering to start in the next couple weeks.
Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] has caught up with the Black DOG and is now edging her out in height oh so very slightly. They're both about 64" but growing about an inch a day.

Here they are together, the Black DOG is on the left and the Blue Widow on the right:


The Black DOG --->


Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] ---->


AAAAND, shortest but not least is Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], back from death's door. She's about 24" now ---->


Keep rockin' those grows and see y'all real soon! :greenthumb:
Man Gringo,

2 Big Lady Trees you have grown here, WOW!
That's really impressive and i like how they are embedded in that nature forest the invisible style!

Take some fat :slap: for those healthy plants and keep them going, I'm really curios how they will perform in bloom!
Ok SO, the land that was home to my small dead-then-back-to-life Blue Widow was bought by a commercial gravel company. Imagine my surprise coming out from the woods and hearing voices, then seeing trucks. Yikes! One truck was parked about 20 feet from my Blue Widow. Luckily I had just tied her down days before and no one had spotted her yet, but since my two big plants are just outside that property, I couldn't risk them finding the little girl and that setting off a more scrupulous search of the surrounding area. It took me a week and a half to get in there safely to pull her, but I did it and she is now gone. I feel pretty safe about the future of Black DOG and Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] now.

Here's a family shot of them together, basking in their glory:


The Black DOG seems to have slowed vertical growth and she rests now at about 76".. just a few inches taller than me.

The Blue Widow is still growing, now taller than the Black DOG at about 81".
And just for kicks, here are my indoor plants which I haven't talked about.

Left to right they're an HSO Chocolate Mint OG, a Bomb Seeds' Gorilla Bomb, and an HSO 707 Truthband.



They are in 60/40 coco under 2 old style Mars 300w leds, fed w GH bottle nutes, modified Lucas. Peace out and happy growing!