Outdoor Gringo's 2017 New England Guerilla Grow

Newest batch of pics from 8/19, about 2 weeks into flower. 'Twas a wet morning after a big overnight rainfall.

Black DOG ------------->
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Aaaand the Blue Widow --------------->
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Have a great weekend and stay safe everyone!


You maybe want to support her a bit or she might cant handle the weight she will get on. Looks good so far, keep her healthy
You maybe want to support her a bit or she might cant handle the weight she will get on. Looks good so far, keep her healthy

Thanks L0w.. my biggest worry is the summers around here like to get real moist toward the end. The few outdoor success stories I've read around here have been with real short flowering, mold resistant strains so I'm def knocking on wood. We've actually lucked out with some crisp fall-like weather the past week or so, so who knows.. but historically the stats are against me!
New pics for 8/27, ~3 weeks into flower.. Been seeing a lot of yellowing already on the lower leaves, so I gave em a little N booster today along with the bloom nutes. Breeders specs for both strains are ~53 days of flower.. if that holds true the next few weeks should be pretty exciting.

Black DOG --------------->





Howdy good folks of afn, about three weeks have gone by so it's about time for another update. We've dodged a bullet with some unusually (for this time of year) dry weather. Girls have been lovin' it, but I worry about the next couple weeks since I see a few wet days on the horizon. We are ~6 weeks into flower. Breeder specs on both these strains claim ~53 days but I don't see these being done in 2 weeks. Still a ton of white pistils so I'm thinking at least another 3, so maybe looking at an early October harvest. Took these pics just a few hours ago today.

The Black DOG -------------------->





Ok, did my first checkup after a week of chilly nights and all-around dire weather. Been pissing rain for 6 out of the last 7 days. Pleased to report all three girls are not only looking healthy, but have new growth. The star of the show is the HSO Black D.O.G. which has easily doubled in size this past week. They all look ever so slightly stretched, but nothing outrageous.. and the stems are thickening up nicely. Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], badly burned by a CFL when I put her out there, is showing new healthy growth. Per 912GreenSkell's suggestion, I covered my soil mix with some brush and foliage to help camo it a little. We're supposed to get some actual sun this coming week, so I'm hoping to see some explosive growth in the coming weeks so, without further ado, here's the ladies:

HSO Black D.O.G. --------->

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Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] ---------->

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Blue Widow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] ---------->

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What's with the rocks?