Indoor GreenBean's Grows

Hell i enjoy talking about my grow. Sharing pics with people who get it. I just put 3 wtf from jean o in a paper towel. I got 2 purple Thai from 420seedguy and witchdoctors by magic. I've gotten to the point I just keep stuff popping so I can have variety. I got a seed addiction lol.:headbang::baked::goodluck:

Im taking down a GSC photo I’ve got going outside soon. Then I’m popping a Twisted Tree - Alien Moon Rocks, and a Jeano- What’s My Name. Both in 7 gallons. I’d like to do another 10 gallon grow, but no room. Might save the next 10 gallon for a Blackstrap? Although I’m interested in doing a Sage in one as well.
I'm just addicted to growing and talking genetics. People get tired of me talking about growing because they don't get it.
I actually enjoy growing more than consuming. Nobody around me gets it either. But they sure do love the end result! I give away way more than I consume.
First grow was Greenpoint cookie wreck. It was awesome but flipped and seeded on me so I avoid him now personally. I'm on autos anyway and he doesn't have any. I ran a bunch of their gear, blackstrap looks awesome to me.
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Wanted to switch it up from Sherb and look at the Sage Scout. 36 days in. Very impressive plant. Just a 5 gallon, but she’s definitely worthy of more. She’s got this crazy lemon lime coloration on one side. Smells like coffee, sage and cigarette butts. Smelliest plant I’ve ever grown.

Strawberry Nuggets at day 35. Thought she was going to stay compact? Guess not? Probably gonna have to move her to the 4x4 soon. She’s exhibiting some leaf roll. But she’s been a pouty girl all along.
That’s it for now. Probably need to wait to harvest something and then I’m popping an @Jean-O genetics What’s My Name.