That's pretty disappointing. I knew it wouldn't effect me as hard because I'm a heavy smoker but it should at least be able to get me high! I wanted to make the tincture as a way to save weed and have a longer high. So much for that.
So far tincture, and edibles have been a huge fail for me.
Hi guys!
I have made edibles multiple times and that time I wanted to make, GD, so I did.
I think that it was sometihng in the process that I've done wrong, bc the first few times, in the first weeks after the GD was made, the effects were slow and acctualy barely there. I would take a 3 eyedropper dose to get high. And with the effects being weak, I have just put it aside, and waited for a better application...
This weekend, after more than 3 months, I've hit it again during the saturday housecleaning, and it was pretty wild.

The potency increased over time
dramaticaly, and I think that the decarboxylation was not initialy done right. Some of the recepies for GD that I initialy looked into, did not include the fast decarboxylation process (baking) at all. These "nonbaking" recepies relied on time to do the decarboxylation and it is supposed to be the "original" recepture. And I can testify that in my case, time did the trick. This time I've hit 1 eyedropper initialy, and had to lie down after an hour or so...

In the evening I've had a few beers, and an additional eyedropper with my friends, and it was a happy acidlike, bodystone experience, that questioned your ability to walk funny.
So if the tincture is not working initialy, be patient. If you have followed the steps, this should get you high. If it's weak in the begginig something with decarboxylation may be off, so don't throw it away, put it aside and enjoy the Dragon Breath in a few months!