Indoor Grassh0pper's Leap to Autopots

Took a few pics of some leafs. Been looking online and it definitely looks like cal mag def. I guess I’ll increase the amount of calmag and add an additional .5ml. Will gradually increase it by .5ml each feed of 5gal until they look better. What do you think of that plan? @Nosias @pop22 @Mañ'O'Green @St. Tom

So I reached out to @Mañ'O'Green for some advice, and after sharing Whats been going on, the issue may be overfeeding since what I'm currently feeding is high in P. salt build up can be an issue also, though I didn't think I would have the problem using 12.5ml of SLF100 in the solution. I'm going to lower their MC intake to 3g/gal, and stay with .5ml/gal of Calmag and .5g/gal of Epsom Salt. I originally was going off of Greenleaf website, which says 1g of MC=27.75ppm(they claim 20g of MC is 555ppm on the 500 scale), which should put my MC consumption (18g in 5gal) at 499.5ppm, per their website. Will also lower my Bud Explosion back to .5g/gal.
Imma just cut the Bud Explosion entirely until late flower when the plant actually wants it, instead of decreasing the MC intake to 3g/gal, leaving it at 3.6g/gal. Maybe I should be more reactionary with the girls instead of trying to be proactive. Will see how it goes.
So I reached out to @Mañ'O'Green for some advice, and after sharing Whats been going on, the issue may be overfeeding since what I'm currently feeding is high in P. salt build up can be an issue also, though I didn't think I would have the problem using 12.5ml of SLF100 in the solution. I'm going to lower their MC intake to 3g/gal, and stay with .5ml/gal of Calmag and .5g/gal of Epsom Salt. I originally was going off of Greenleaf website, which says 1g of MC=27.75ppm(they claim 20g of MC is 555ppm on the 500 scale), which should put my MC consumption (18g in 5gal) at 499.5ppm, per their website. Will also lower my Bud Explosion back to .5g/gal.
Yes a bit too high of total PPM 500-550 is best we have found.
Yes a bit too high of total PPM 500-550 is best we have found.
Yeah, @Mañ'O'Green set me straight last night. I also think my SLF100 was past the time I should have been using it. Bottle says 6months use after it's open and it was in the room during the heat wave, so I have some Hydroguard coming in tomorrow. Good news is the roots that were in the module looked much healthier after removing the Bud Explosion. The module was full also, which before it would only stay half full. I think things are turning around. Yeah, my understanding was 500-550ppm MC, but 500-550 total ppm makes much better sense. Will be using the below starting tomorrow. Thanks again for taking the time to help a gromie out, appreciate it.

Day 57!
The girls are looking much better though it looked like they could use a little more nutes. Looks like some of the symptoms from before may be back or I’m looking at leads that were previously affected. Will keep an eye on the garden. I’m guessing my bucket had more than 5gal of water because after following MoG schedule, my ppm was at 418, so maybe a def now. With 3g/gal of MC my res is at 500ppm. Switched over to Hydroguard from SLF100. Will look into the benefits of using both because I enjoyed using the SLF100. The big girl is still playing catch up, though I’m excited to see how she turns out. The BlackStrap is throwing off some colors from the controlled temps. Room is at 76F to control photo tent temp to 80F. Running a Jelly Rancher from Humboldt Seed Company to get the tent on check, will grab some pics of her next time.
