Indoor Grassh0pper's Leap to Autopots

I think you just have a different phenotype with that small one. If what I see in the pic is accurate, even the leaves themselves look smaller. Not in an unhealthy way, just observably smaller.

Day 35

The ladies are doing well in their new home under the Kingbrite 600w QBar Set. Well two of them are thriving. One Anvil is huge! She looks to still put on some veg. I did an accidental topping a week ago during LST training. This long veg has really helped the additional topping. She’s gonna be a monster for sure. The other two Anvils are looking good but one has been feeling real low. She’s just not as happy as the others. Maybe @Mañ'O'Green @pop22 @Nosias @Fermented_Fruitz can chime in on it because she doesn’t look like she has a def/lock out, she looks more overwatered than anything. Maybe not enough light??

Anyways, the Black Strap who is a week behind is catching up to the girls. She seems like she will finish a bit faster than the others.

Tucking and LST has been my go to training methods this run. I probably tuck 3-4 times a day. It really shows on my big Anvil.

Everyone is being fed 20g of MC/2.5g of Epsom Salt/2.5ml of Calmag/12.5ml of SLF100 In 5gal of RO water. Was feeding 18g, but increased it this morning to see if that would help the two smaller Anvils.

Anvils bottom 3, Black Strap top right
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I think you just have a different phenotype with that small one. If what I see in the pic is accurate, even the leaves themselves look smaller. Not in an unhealthy way, just observably smaller.
That actually makes sense. I haven't thought about that being an option. The more I think about it, the more she reminds me of the Purple Pope I grew. Same structure, except the Purple Pope was a bit bigger. Thanks for the advice and taking time to check them out, brotha. Appreciate it! Hope things are going well on your end :smoking:
@YoungGrassh0pper It might just be the pictures but I think I see a small bit of micro-nutrient deficiency? A lighter color of green on the newer growth. I would give your plants a foliar feed of Kelp and Fulvic acid or Earth Juice Microblast.

They look super!
I think you just have a different phenotype with that small one. If what I see in the pic is accurate, even the leaves themselves look smaller. Not in an unhealthy way, just observably smaller.
I agree. What is the PPM you running them in?
I agree. What is the PPM you running them in?
I measured the module prior to putting the new solution. It was 622ppm, though I didn't check PH. I did increase the MC feeding from 18g to 20g this feeding, so it should be a bit higher now.

@YoungGrassh0pper It might just be the pictures but I think I see a small bit of micro-nutrient deficiency? A lighter color of green on the newer growth. I would give your plants a foliar feed of Kelp and Fulvic acid or Earth Juice Microblast.

They look super!
There is some slight discoloration, nothing I thought to take seriously. I thought she was just going into preflower. I have some Green Leaf Nutrient Sea-K. I'm guessing I can make a Foliar spray using that? I should spray right before lights out, correct?
I measured the module prior to putting the new solution. It was 622ppm, though I didn't check PH. I did increase the MC feeding from 18g to 20g this feeding, so it should be a bit higher now.

There is some slight discoloration, nothing I thought to take seriously. I thought she was just going into preflower. I have some Green Leaf Nutrient Sea-K. I'm guessing I can make a Foliar spray using that? I should spray right before lights out, correct?
For me the PPM should not go over 500-560 using the MC. I have had nothing but success with it in that as the final amount.
I too keep the ppms of MC in the 500-550 range , always best results at these levels.
I too keep the ppms of MC in the 500-550 range , always best results at these levels.

So I was in the right range with 18g of MC at 5gal of water (~550ppm per Greenleaf website). That is what I've been feeding them since D7. 20g should put me a lil over 600ppm of MC. I'll clean the res this weekend and will go back to my regular feed.