Mephisto Genetics Grape Crinkle....bring it on!

Day 46....I think she is starting to start really working on her flowers now. She is drinking right about 2 gallons of water a day. She seems to want her PPM's pulled back a little so I have a target of 825PPM now. ZERO fucks are given to cal/mag issues on top leaves. I have the COB fixture cranked to 100%.

Day 50 is upon her! My cabinet is just splitting at the seams with Grape Crinkle goodness. To say she is really frosty is a massive understatement. Even now this early she has the heaviest trichrome coverage of any plant I have ever grown. One thing to note in this report is her smell. Any citrus/lemon type scent I was getting last week is gone and she has taken on a very strange meaty type smell. I'm talking like if you take a package of hamburger meat and set it on the kitchen counter type meaty smell....very unique. I have been running her PH a little higher than normal this grow. Been at least 6.0. Once the grow is done I will review my spread sheet with my daily data and run an average. Sorry for the crappy picture. It's the best I can get till she is out of the cabinet again.

I know you can probably only estimate at this point, but what do you think her height and width are? She is simply stunning, but then I'm sure you already know that! LOL!