Outdoor Grandma Roody, and Eek's new Homestead Thread.

Very nice, canna and zoo animals, haven't ya got also outdoor girls?

Oh yeah, I forgot...

We are back from our 7 state trip.
We started out Wed. afternoon and stopped in Utah for a couple hours of sleep and woke up to this
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Then through Nevada and on to California and Oregon.
The purpose of this trip was to see Eek's son get married in Oregon.
We decided to take a "scenic" trip back, so....
Oregon to Idaho, through Wyoming and back home in Colorado!

We aren't planning any more trips for a while. I was so worried about the plants while we were gone, but my son kept them watered and alive :whew:
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Today is Armed Forces Day. :salute: Our town has a big celebration every year.
This year @Miss Widow and I will be selling water, sodas and juice.
We'll have pictures tomorrow.

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I would be so nervous leaving the grow, but your son was there to take care of business, a true blessing
Glad we could purvey that for you. Welcome to the Homestead.

So it has been a while since an update. We haven't enclosed the greenhouse because the Air Cooler won't cover the 750 feet. I got a 950sf Evap cooler coming, hopefully that will work.

Looky what we've been up to.

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happy plants and a smiling gardener:thumbsup::pass:
Hi Waira :bighug:
It's a work in progress:greenthumb:

The veggie garden is up and running. We transplanted corn today and will put yellow squash in the ground in the morning
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Zucchini and marigolds
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I need to find time to weed!
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Corn was transplanted this morning
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how long of a growing season do you have there Root?
The Rosemary has grown a lot in a month
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Last year I got a volunteer Mullein plant in with a lily. I wasn't completely sure it was Mullein, since they don't flower in their first year.
We moved it with us from California and I was really surprised it came up this year.
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I always love how mullein looks, like hardiness personified, good for the lungs isn't it?
Hello Everybody, all is well here, have a few projects completed, and ToDo's. We are pushing for some vegetables right now, trying to get them in the ground before it's too late. I will let Root talk more on that.

This is what is going on in the growhouse...View attachment 925035 View attachment 925036 View attachment 925037 View attachment 925038 View attachment 925039 View attachment 925040 View attachment 925041 View attachment 925042 View attachment 925043 View attachment 925044 View attachment 925045 View attachment 925046
wow!, looks
The garden is growing!
I was looking at our past posts, to see where we left off on pictures, and this is what it looked like 1 month ago.
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And today
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The peppers. We have green and multi color bells and red hot cherry peppers
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1 jalapeno pepper
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The tomatoes.
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Yellow squash newly transplanted
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Our one and only pear is getting bigger too.
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We use a lot of diatomaceous earth in the garden. The weeds got ahead of me and as I pulled them, lots of squash bugs came crawling out. A little DE sprinkled around and we may spray some neem oil one night.

so fine in there, I'm thinking perpetual smiles on you guys!
We ate our first garden harvest last night.
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It was soooo yummy!
With more coming
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The watermelon and cucumber are growing wild
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Pumpkins ready to transplant into the garden
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It's hard to get a smoke break when the boss is always watching!
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gotta say I'm a little jealous of your veggie garden
gee Eek, I see you didn't try for the lion's tail :cooldance:
how does it feel green man and green gal? sure looks good!
if this thread isn't reppable I don't know what is
Yeah I forgot....:crying:.......

Looking Absolutely Stunning ....everything...........:bravo:..Brilliant work you two.

Thank you Mossy!
There's a few things we'll do different next year, like give the tomatoes more room!

So far we have gotten lots of zucchini and yellow squash. ( anybody want some?:rofl:)
Cucumbers and bell peppers are starting to ripen.
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We also put up a windmill and a wishing well

:coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :bravo: :growing::hump::growing:.... you guys are machines!! -- tell Marley to not be such a slave driver! :rofl:.....relax, like only Wally knows how,....:zen: ... Wow, this means I can get out of my tent there and just graze the garden! :gary:...Amazing job my friends, a TON or work has gone down out there,...:bighug:... did you get the bud garden covered agin yet? ...geez, what a drag to lose that first one,...:doh:....
Wall-E keeps close watch over the garden too.
Here he was trying for a bird's eye view!
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I don't think we are going to have to worry about critters getting in the garden.