Outdoor Grandma Roody, and Eek's new Homestead Thread.

Very nice, canna and zoo animals, haven't ya got also outdoor girls?

Very nice thread Root and Eek, love the integration of cannabis and veggie gardening!

Thanks for lookin'

I think a canna plant or two might fit nicely in the garden.
I would be so nervous leaving the grow, but your son was there to take care of business, a true blessing
He has been a big help. He pulls most of the weeds so I don't have to and he is a master post hole digger (only have a few more post holes to go):thumbsup:

happy plants and a smiling gardener

I absolutely Love it here!

how long of a growing season do you have there Root?

I'm not really sure...we are in zone 5b, last frost date is middle to end of May, first fall frost is Oct 5th. Short growing season.
It got warm early this year, and we could have started earlier, but next year we will start everything inside and transplant in the garden depending on the weather.
We came to visit last year in Oct and it was Cold! So we'll see what this year does.

I always love how mullein looks, like hardiness personified, good for the lungs isn't it?
I have some dried that I plan to make a tea with. Yes, it is really good for the lungs. You can also smoke it, it adds fluff to herbal mixes.
I'm really excited to get some seeds from it this year. I'll have a Mullein patch!
IMG_6410 (2).JPG
Our weather has been on the pleasant side lately. Not getting too hot and short storms that bring a nice rain and then they are gone.
The plants Love it!
The cucumber just started producing.It has spread out and is so thick, I had to make sure it was just one plant!

A double cuke


Hope to have watermelons soon





The beans are really taking to the fence!

And the pumpkins are starting to spread out.

I hope we have enough time to get a pumpkin for Halloween!

Veggies are looking great!

Thank you Sir. They are tasting good. Tomatoes are coming in finally, ate some o' those. Yellow Squash, Zukes, Jalepenos, Bells, and them sweet peppers that look like Jalepenos, but turn red and purple. We eat the Basil, Rosemary, and Sage, and even Cucumbers. The Watermelons are lookiing great, and should be coming in soon (for the first one). Each plant has one watermelon fruit growing big. If another fruit grows from the same plant, only one will get all the nutrients, and grow big. The smaller one will always struggle to grow, and often die off. This is our experience, and we are growing the Crimson Sweet's.

:slap: It's so lovely, @Root and @Eekman ! Remind me please (I'll write it down) how big the total outdoor space is?

The lot is about 3/4 of an acre. The vegetable Garden is 50 x 35 feet, and is suprisingly bigger than we thought. The Cannabis garden is about/approx. 22 feet by 48 feet. We aren't even using the back area (the area behind the evaporative coolers), which is about 18x10 feet.

What a garden you have :clapper: living the life

We like that you like it. Thanks for dropping in for sure.

DId some canna-pics too...

Thank you Sir. They are tasting good. Tomatoes are coming in finally, ate some o' those. Yellow Squash, Zukes, Jalepenos, Bells, and them sweet peppers that look like Jalepenos, but turn red and purple. We eat the Basil, Rosemary, and Sage, and even Cucumbers. The Watermelons are lookiing great, and should be coming in soon (for the first one). Each plant has one watermelon fruit growing big. If another fruit grows from the same plant, only one will get all the nutrients, and grow big. The smaller one will always struggle to grow, and often die off. This is our experience, and we are growing the Crimson Sweet's.

The lot is about 3/4 of an acre. The vegetable Garden is 50 x 35 feet, and is suprisingly bigger than we thought. The Cannabis garden is about/approx. 22 feet by 48 feet. We aren't even using the back area (the area behind the evaporative coolers), which is about 18x10 feet.

We like that you like it. Thanks for dropping in for sure.

DId some canna-pics too...

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Love ya'lls garden and your dogs!!
The lot is about 3/4 of an acre. The vegetable Garden is 50 x 35 feet, and is suprisingly bigger than we thought. The Cannabis garden is about/approx. 22 feet by 48 feet. We aren't even using the back area (the area behind the evaporative coolers), which is about 18x10 feet.
It goes to show that you don't need acreage to grow plenty of food. I'd love to see a return to each house having a large enough garden to be at least partly self-sufficient, but it isn't going to happen. The best I can do is look out for it for myself when we eventually move.

Smashing job!