Outdoor Grandma Roody, and Eek's new Homestead Thread.

High @Bode

Welcome to AFN! :welcome:

I love that line in your signature about food as medicine. I will keep that in mind when I get hungry!
we have lots of healthy recipes in Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food


Marley is almost 3 years old!
And she takes her job as Garden Pup very seriously.


We got another section of fence up yesterday...Marley is right there with us.

hey W, bet they have a spare dog house:crying:
--- I'm sure Marley won't mind! :funny: ...sure ain't room with Aunty and her Sister in the sauna house! :biggrin:

:smokeout: ... Root and Eek, looking forward to the progress pics- :d5:... always a happy sight to see bab-bee's in their first pots! :baby:.... tell Eek you want some MoB and to make room for her.....:eyebrows:
Hi @Eclectic Elle :pass:
We've got this part of the fence done, still have the top and a few finishing touches before it's done.
The photos are already out there with a couple auto males.
We'll get some more pictures up in a couple of days.
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Yay! The babies look happy to be outside!