Outdoor Gorilla Auto - Get High and Go Bush

Finally out bush. These photos are a bit old, but things are going better now :) I do not get phone reception often. So updates will be a bit slow!
Hi Sensi Jay.

I'm trying a few different things at the moment. This new site in the last picture has very sandy soil with very poor water retention. I may dig them into the ground, but have not decided yet. At the monent I am just hand watering. The pots have coco coir in them so have enough areation to stay quite wet and not get overwatered. I'm not sure what I am doing this week. If I will irrigate them or just hand water the next two months. If hand watering proves to be too painful and frequent I'll definitely dig them in. The whole area probably needs char, compost and more coir for plants to really thrive. And due to a tricky location that sounds like a lot of work!
Good luck Dr, soil where I'm at is more clay based, it holds water better, was thinking on that basis.

Maybe dig in some coir and compost? Surely hand watering those small pots will be tiring.
I have to keep fit somehow :) Next time I update we will see how motivated I get, or not!

You could try adding some gypsum to your clay soil. It will take a while to work, but has done wonders for me in the past when dealing with heavy clay :) Especially if you use the same site year after year.
Possums have been a lot of trouble!


Had to cage the lot.


Irrigation is underway.


Greenhouse is still safe.


Will write more later, just a quick photo update.
Those possums shouldn't be hard to catch, look for snack wrappers and they will be sleeping under the nearest tree lol the rest of the girls look great!

Sent from my comfy chair
Lovin the operation you got going my man! Looking forward to seeing what you can pull! I saw you picked up some autoultimate from Dinaphem, you are gonna love those beans, they dont kid when they talk about her size
Haha rollin! I honestly don't know how best to fence them. They are hungry bastards. I've had possums taste my plants and then give up, but these possums are proper stoners.

James, not sure if this first round I will get them to full height. Been a bit of a cold start. Weather is getting better now. Starting some beans now that should do better, as I am more set up now as well. Most of the autos are of simmilar size and stage of flowering so far. The purple gorilla actually looks pretty good so far. Time will tell I guess.