Outdoor Gorilla Auto - Get High and Go Bush

I'm moving from quite a dry hot climate to a much wetter colder climate. This auto grow is basically a backup plan because I am unfamiliar with growing in this climate. I'm used to much more favourable weather, or at least weather I am used to. So my environment is influencing the introductions of autos. And I also need some cash flow a bit earlier than expected. I think it is the right choice.
I think that the autos should serve you well, in my novice opinion you seem to have a pretty solid plan. From what I have read and understand successful autos are all in getting a good start the first 30 days are imortant. I'm in Australia and it's winter now i am sub tropical and have some outdoor now that i started for a month indoor and they seem to handle the cool ok. I can't help much on the strains either as im on my first grow, but from what I have seen in other journals the dutch passion is great also memphisto seem to have some killer genetics. Memphisto will be going in my garden as soon as the weather turns. Edit what sort of temperature is the new site

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I have thrown everything from 12 hours to 24 hours of light and in veg it seems they just don't grow as fast but other than that there is no difference. If you ran 12/12 all the time you would get smaller plants imo. Maybe 6 to 12".

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Auto ultimate is the perfect outdoor auto strain. It loves the rain and humidity during flowering.
At the moment I'm growing 2 dutch passion auto strains. Will be making fem seeds ready for the coming summer. Auto ultimate is also potent so you won't have any concerns there.
the green bandit: If you want to kill the first 30 days, try coco with hydro nutes. There are other ways you can kill the first 30 days and each to their own. But I think coco is the easiest and has the greatest margin for error. Get some coco... check your ec and keep it low 1.4 e.c. max... just start with A and B. Get at least a liquid ph checker also. Works just as well outdoor than indoor. It's not the expensive and you will kill the first 30 days. Just an opinion of course :) I'm sure lots of people disagree, but I think it is worth trying at least and see what suits you.

I don't know the temperatures yet. But I get the impression it can get pretty frosty and has decent rainfall. It's miles away from the arid desert I am used to and the constant unrelenting sun. New climate new problems to solve. I think that can be an exciting new prospect. Maybe it will result in poor results or obvious mistakes. But that is what makes people good at what they do. Recognising mistakes and not repeating them.

Rollin_along: sweet... so light period matters squat? I was kind of thinking that. It's funny, a sneak of light can turn a photoperiod plant out of rhythm. That the same plant could turn up in Russia, and enjoy extremely long summers and just change. Pretty crazy!

Bobqu: I have the Gibberellic acid thing. I tried it a couple of times... and think I did it too strong. Mostly just fucked the plants up, but it didn't produce a lot of male pollen. I have a few good seeds out of it, but I am still doing something wrong.

How do you make seeds? If you use the Gibberellic acid thing... at what strength and at what time?
Hey mate what strains did you find handled the heat best? Where i am in summer it's not unusual to get weeks of 100f + and i am yet to decide on what photo girls i should start in spring.

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the green bandit: If you want to kill the first 30 days, try coco with hydro nutes. There are other ways you can kill the first 30 days and each to their own. But I think coco is the easiest and has the greatest margin for error. Get some coco... check your ec and keep it low 1.4 e.c. max... just start with A and B. Get at least a liquid ph checker also. Works just as well outdoor than indoor. It's not the expensive and you will kill the first 30 days. Just an opinion of course :) I'm sure lots of people disagree, but I think it is worth trying at least and see what suits you.

I don't know the temperatures yet. But I get the impression it can get pretty frosty and has decent rainfall. It's miles away from the arid desert I am used to and the constant unrelenting sun. New climate new problems to solve. I think that can be an exciting new prospect. Maybe it will result in poor results or obvious mistakes. But that is what makes people good at what they do. Recognising mistakes and not repeating them.

Rollin_along: sweet... so light period matters squat? I was kind of thinking that. It's funny, a sneak of light can turn a photoperiod plant out of rhythm. That the same plant could turn up in Russia, and enjoy extremely long summers and just change. Pretty crazy!

Bobqu: I have the Gibberellic acid thing. I tried it a couple of times... and think I did it too strong. Mostly just fucked the plants up, but it didn't produce a lot of male pollen. I have a few good seeds out of it, but I am still doing something wrong.

How do you make seeds? If you use the Gibberellic acid thing... at what strength and at what time?
Matey I use colloidal silver bought from shops at 30ppm I find that's around the best strength. I start spraying the day the I flip to 12/12 you want to make sure you start spraying long before the female hairs start showing on the other branches of the plant. 1 spray 2 times a day morning and night until the first pollen sacks open.
Had a bit of a slow and shakey start. But finally the first seeds are in.... some had a head start.

Ah man. I got a sideways picture also!

Thegreenbandit: 30% green shade cloth is great to shield plants in hot weather. Def worth making a shade house if you can and in hot weather. Helps buffer damaging winds, Also keeps things less visible from prying eyes and air traffic.
Autos dont care what light cycle u run. U cant really fuck them up other than they grow slower w less light.u can interupt the dark cycle w out herming them ever. Im sure u already know that blood and bone meal can draw in some critters looking for an easy meal. Some folks burry chicken wire over the holes to detour would be scavengers. On nutes less is more, autos are more efficient and require less to get going but can gobble up the food once established. U probably already know all this but thought id throw it out there.looking foward to seeing how they treat ya, ur strain selection should impress the most die hard photoperiod grower in the end
Also for fem pollen i had great success w sts solution. U can also take clones of autos to reverse/pollenate for seeds w out sacrficing or exposing the whole crop.