Outdoor Gorilla Auto - Get High and Go Bush

I'm always driving through reception when writing. So hard to write much :) I would love 3oz per auto, but I'd be lucky to get an oz of any of them so far. I'm doing the next bunch organic in another spot and will see how it goes. Hopefully the weather will impeove also. It's a bit hard to find full sun spots where I am at the moment. Everything is part shade really and I'm sure that doesn't help either. But will keep trying :)
Hey man, I'm no expert but have found well composted horse and cow manure mixed in with my potting soil as well as blood and bone have helped me get bigger plants. As well as top dressing with some more compost and blood and bone as soon as my girls are transitioned into full bloom. As you have said full sun going to help a lot. Weather is a bitch sometimes! I'm currently battling temps in the high 30c to low 40c with storms most nights washing off the bt for the catterpillers! The perils of outdoor growing huh...good luck with finding a nice sunny spot buddy. I really want to see you nail this! Good luck pal
Got some stuff down a few days ago. Pretty airy but looks okay. Ultimate was not finished but took it down anyway.


I got a real cheap phone, so my photos are a bit crap. I think this is gorilla shizzle. The quality seems okay, just very airy.


This is ultimate. Had a bit to go.


Maybe a tad over an oz a plant on average. Was a bit hit and miss. Def take a lot longer to flower than the breeders try to have you believe. But I was more worried three weeks ago, not as bad as I thought.
Got some stuff down a few days ago. Pretty airy but looks okay. Ultimate was not finished but took it down anyway.

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I got a real cheap phone, so my photos are a bit crap. I think this is gorilla shizzle. The quality seems okay, just very airy.

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This is ultimate. Had a bit to go.

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Maybe a tad over an oz a plant on average. Was a bit hit and miss. Def take a lot longer to flower than the breeders try to have you believe. But I was more worried three weeks ago, not as bad as I thought.
They can take longer, especially outside, I understand.

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I'm taking some respite and might finally add some words to my post. I am a bit disappointed in my luck with autos. I expected to get a bit more out of them. I'm pretty heavily invested into this project, and going quite broke in the process. The autos were intended as a cash injection to live and funds for the photoperiod plants. But yeilds seem very low, so it is going to be a bit of a struggle. I'll let you know my averages when I do. It's going to be a bit dismal I assume.

The good news is I got a fan for the greenhouse. The photoperiod plant in there are streching a lot and have very weak stems, so won't transition well to outside as is. So hopefully the fan helps sturdy them up a bit. The growth in the greenhouse has been pretty good though. I am happy with how this project is progressing and that it remains possum free. If I can keep the possums out and support them during transition to the outside world, it looks like a decent start to the season.

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I've been working on making a floopy fence for my garden to stop the possums. The garden's dimentions are 12x16 meters which should give 48 plants 2x2 meters each. I imagine this will be fairly crowded, but the decision was made not to have a bigger garden and the posts and plans are now set in concrete.

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I am in mid-November and it is pouring rain. I imagine I will need some sort of fungaside come flowering to prevent bud rot. I'm not really sure what to use. This climate is very new to me and this constant barrage of rain is concerning. If the photoperiod plants don't work out I'm pretty much screwed. Roll the dice. It's all or nothing this year for me. It's funny to come from the desert where there is never enough rain, to the mountains where you pray for less. A lot of new challenges, but that is what keeps it interesting.

The bigger the investment the bigger the rewards though. But setting up a new site is always a lot of work and expensive. Always learning though. And I just love being out bush. It's seriously pretty and a great place to work. I walk to the river every morning to remind me of why I want this life. The river is a very lovely reminder.

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Hopefully I get the hang of these autos soon. I should have been more organised and worked harder, but so be it. But with any luck I produce some auto's I can be proud of before this season ends
I have never had luck with autos outside. U need more hours in the day. They tend to stretch and grow puny buds , I will never grow an auto outside. U would get a better yield from reveg outside also. Mine is usually 6 oz a plant or so. Or if u only have seed lay them down as they grow your yield will increase for sure.

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I think this is about a month later. Sorry no autos at the moment. May have to try again next year.
Sour d x shiva, lime cookies, the harbinger, girl scout haze, pyro kush. And a few of my own crosses.