So the AKR harvest has been in the jar for about a week and some days now.. 20.4g dried.. For some messed up reason, I had the jars good for 4 days, RH was perfect at 62%, steady, and in a sealed jar in a dark place.. I go in a couple days ago to check, low-and-behold, RH is down to 55%, and that's with the Boveda in there. I'm not really sure what happened, but those airy buds are now crispy, and funky looking; once again smelling like hay. They smelled very skunky when I had them in the jars originally.. Whatever, I smoked some, and it doesn't have much taste yet, and the stone is very mellow, sorta weak compared to the Jack Herer I harvested a little while ago.. I'll do an update on the WWs in a minute..
On a slightly crappy note; looks like moving is happening, but not how I had hoped. Things are not looking great financially, just yet, so we're moving to a spot with some friends, but I can't grow there, and we're doing it at the end of this month.. Suuuuuuucks.. One of the WWs will be ready for sure by then, but the other will probably have to get chopped around Christmas day, to make sure it's dry to go in the jars. The people are cool with me smoking, which is awesome, just not growing. I'm not sure how long we're going to be there, but hopefully for my sake, it's not too long..
For some other good news: Christmas gift to myself was an Arizer Solo for a few reasons.. A) Where we're moving to, some of the neighbors are nosy, and it's a thickly settled area (read: condo complex). B) I can vape indoors without obnoxious smell, to avoid any negative interactions with neighbors, AND, C) to conserve the bud I have and am about to harvest. If my estimates are close, I may have about 4oz-6oz total bud from these plants if I don't kill them. That alone, and the trim/popcorn nugs I take to make oil with, should last me for a few months, since I'll be vaping.
I'll post some pics in a bit. I've gotta see if I can get this shitty camera to work..