Lighting Gloom's first... everything. DWC LED.

Looking great Gloomy. I'm working in a 1x1m tent and getting 2 small plants in there together isn't working out so good. I need to think about how to get my carbon filter and fan up to the top of my tent

I'm not sure if its an australian term but I'm using occy straps to hang my carbon filter and fan. Elastic thingies.
Bungie cords?
Post #34 has a pic.

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Day 46? Rez change day. Same as last week, pretty much. Plants drink, EC goes up a bit, i top up with water daily, EC comes back down by mid week the buckets are lower than original EC so i top up with nutes. Next week I will start a 2 week pk 13/14 boost, week after that back to normal nutes week after that start flushing.

85L water
50ml Bloom Calmag
30ml Dutch Master Zone
43ml Canna Rhizotonic
175ml Canna Classic Flores A+B
200ml Canna Boost
Ph to 5.8

Total EC of 2.4 with a background of 0.8, 1.6 nutes.

First signs of resin production on one of the auto pounders.

Looking great brother, it will be a forest of chunky buds soon :grin: :Sharing One:

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Looking great brother, it will be a forest of chunky buds soon :grin: :Sharing One:
Looking great brother, it will be a forest of chunky buds soon :grin: :Sharing One:

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Looking great brother, it will be a forest of chunky buds soon :grin: :Sharing One:

Hope so, looking forward to it.

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Looking great brother, it will be a forest of chunky buds soon :grin: :Sharing One:

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Looking great brother, it will be a forest of chunky buds soon :grin: :Sharing One:

Hope so, looking forward to it.
Nice trichs already....those are going to go "Oprah" on it....(put a ton of weight on)
Nice trichs already....those are going to go "Oprah" on it....(put a ton of weight on)
Think there's gonna be a lot of string holding these ladies of them is tipping already so i've tied a branch down a bit to encourage some extra growth and the lighter side.

Photos early on were really good for me to go back over them and see how far its come...these days they kind of all look the same...bud production isn't as explosive as vegetative growth... and now the tent is full its much harder to really show with photos how big they are etc, i just dont have the space to back up enough lol, or to give reference. Tent is 200cmx200x230...And i've had to move some stuff around so i can access the side window zips...coz i simply cannot get in there any more without breaking branches left right and centre.

I set out to try to grow some big plants... Every time i open my tent now i feel a bit excessive. Suffice to say i don't think i'll ever need more than 5 plants. Tale will all be told with the yield at the end though i suppose.

Day 53 Rez change, pretty much the same as last week, except this week im starting a 2 week pk boost, and going to try to reduce the total EC down to 2.3 rather than 2.4. I get a little too much tip burn early in the week with the plants sucking down 5L per day they end up sitting in really strong nutes at the end of the day... Even at 2.3 I think i should probably start topping up water twice a day.
Day 57 photo update. I suck at photos. I actually went looking for my camera for this update, but it didn't have any batteries, so crappy phone pics it is.

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Photos look even worse now they're posted...sheesh...gotta remedy this. Its an impressive jungle sucks i cant show it off the way it deserves.

Need to take better photos so i can start up some obligatory how long till its ready threads lol. I'm thinking a month, maybe more.