Lighting Gloom's first... everything. DWC LED.

So dry weight of auto pounder #1 ended up at 111grams.
Auto pounder #2 came down at day 76, leaving a mars II 900w above each of the remaining Think Differents, no more light mover. The TD's are really fattening up now, they still haven't shown much in the way of yellowing so i decided to run them another week on nutes, probably just continue topping up with water from here on out until they are nice and ripe.

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Those jars look absolutely enticing!
Auto pounder #2 came in at 137 grams dry. Again probably could have gone longer but hey i'm happy with the result, buds are dank smoke is great. Just the think differents left to go, tent full of baseball bat buds... Definately get more weight from the last 3.
So 248g on the Auto Pounders...about 8 and 3/4 ounces...I think that's friggen fantastic! Good Job, Gloom!
Yeah dude im pretty stoked. For a first ever grow with heaps of balls ups pretty decent chunk of weed. Even with early harvests and all. Learned a lot and making some changes before the next round too.