Lighting Gloom's first... everything. DWC LED.

Auto Pounder 1 - 111g
Auto Pounder 2 - 137g
Think Different 1 - 159g
Think Different 2 - 206g
Think Different 3 - 203g ( :( )

so averaged like 5.something ounces per plant. Pretty happy with that.
On a sidenote, I have a soil airpot autopounder im messing around with while setting up my new DWC grow....DWC is sooooo much easier... I have ur PH, and ur EC, temps humidity and thats it... I got yellowing on an early flower soil grow and im Its an extremely stunted plant anyway, didn't have much light for the first 4 weeks of its i'll be happy with whatever comes off it...but i gotta read up on soil n shit...
Wish I could've caught your grow from day 1 cuz you turnt this mutha out! I definitely wanna get my dwc on once I got more grow room. Don't think my cabinet could handle my Think Different if grown hydroponically!
Really bummed that I missed the start of this thread (and the pictures are all gone for me)! I'm growing two Think Differents now (in soil though) and 2xAutoXtreme and 2x StarRyder, always fun to follow a grow of the same plant.

I've always thought that hydro was more work than soil but I sense that you don't agree Gloom? And I haven't tried hydro yet so I'm just guessing ;)
Hydro seems a lot easier to rectify problems. But im set up for hydro and not set up for soil. The problem with the soil auto pounder was whitefly and I have no idea how I noticed nothing until it was a full blown colony infestation... I went to pull off a leaf that had gone yellow and droopy bumped the plant and the little suckers went everywhere...never got that with dwc.
Bit of a security cleanup. It was all hosted on photobucket... I could create another photobucket account that is less affiliated with my real identity and re upload them all and then re edit every post and put them back in... but stuff that. Probably not very interesting to go through with no pics but there's still some good data there for me for feedings and such. I'm banned here anyways... I got the beginnings of a new grow with 3x WoS northern lights x big bud and 1x Med gom auto 1.0 same tent same lights +1 different buckets recirculating this time 4 plants in a scrog. Each plant had 1m2 gonna put those seedbank m2 predictions to the test. Just gotta work out where to post it all.
Felt like dropping in to share my achievement with my latest crop. I grew 3 WoS Northern Lights x Big Bud Auto and a CBD crew Med Gom auto All sort of makeshift scrogged.

The Med Gom Auto and the first NLxBB finished at around 60 days got like 4-5 ounces off each. The second NLxBB finished about 2 weeks later for an ounce or so more yield, at this point the third NLxBB had only really just started to get into the swing of budding. I had 900watts of Mars II LED pointed at it after the first 2 plants finished and I think it ran 2 weeks over 3 months, so 104 days or so.

Total dried weight came in at 566grams.

I spent like a whole week trimming the was a chore...Every other plant I've trimmed in a night paper bagged in and been able to get it in the jar not too dry for a nice cure.

The first lot i got in the jar from this plant read like 48% RH after a day in the jar. And it was kind of all over the shop because i had heaps of buds at different stages of dry ended up not even paper bagging it and just drying it on my rack coz i didnt have the space for all the paper bags. It all sort of ended up settling at a nice 60-65% RH in the jar...just lined the bottom of the jars with some more moist buds and topped them all up with the super dry stuff and it spread out nicely.

But yeah, super excited to get well over a pound off an auto and wanted to share.

I have changed it up a bit now, switching over to photoperiods so I can do an 8 plant perpetual setup fortnightly clone/harvest, and save on some electricity, and switched from RDWC to coco in smart pots coz seperate DWC buckets would be a nightmare to manage on that scale.

My biggest problem with the autoflowers was the variance in phenotypes it was kinda annoying that I had 3 completely different plants and the difference between the earliest and latest was MASSIVE, so being able to clone photoperiods should mitigate the problem a bit and help me grow more similar plants perpetually.

Also wanted to mention that the pound plant kind of got pretty abused as well. I mean...they all got abused coz I was running RDWC on 4 plants with completely different needs. But the big one was burnt like everywhere it wasn't pretty at all I used some shooting powder at about the right time for the second last plant, which was super early for the last one.

My new grow in coco has no nutrient burn at all, its awesome they all look super green and healthy. Got some blumats ready to set up an auto watering system for them too which should be good.

So yeah, 566 grams 65 days at 450 wats x 20 hours per day + 39 days at 900 watts x 20 hours per day divided by 104 days total averages out to 618.75 watts
0.91 grams per watt. Not exactly record breaking but I'm proud of it =)
