Lighting Gloom's first... everything. DWC LED.

Day 37.

Rez change tomorrow, getting kind of confusing now with 5 girls all starting to drink and feed differently. First world problems i guess. Will probably up the total EC to 2.4 (from 2.2) and then i'll have to start being a bit more attentive through the week with my top ups. I've added some nutes mid week to a couple of the hungrier girls but then have ended up with some slight tip burn as well... I think from not topping the water daily the EC of the buckets gets too high.

I think humidity is going to start to be an issue now. Its not going below 60% much and at this stage of the game i want it lower...the weather is also getting colder and wetter which is going to equate to higher humidity in the tent. Time to start looking at dehumidifiers.

Couple of bud potential shots

Day 38 Rez change - PSA if you're thinking about getting a small tent, dont do it, its a trap. My 2x2x2.3m is getting tough to work in lol. Pretty soon i wont even be able to sit in there and have a beer with the ladies.

Day 31 - Rez change.

85L water
50ml Bloom Calmag
30ml Dutch Master Zone
43ml Canna Rhizotonic
175ml Canna Classic Flores A+B
170ml Canna Boost
Ph to 5.8

Total EC of 2.4 with a background of 0.8 = 1.6 EC of nutrients. Up 0.2 from last week.
I was seeing EC drop all over the shop throughout the week, but it was confusing because the first couple of days after rez change last week the EC went up, adding water brought it back to the original amount and then over the next couple of days the EC dropped without topping up with water. And then i added some extra nutes with a water change to the thirsty auto pounders, saw some more rise, after the next water topup it was down again... I guess that's the trouble with running 5 plants. First world problems lol.

So this week I gotta be on the ball with taking my measurements and making sure everything is on point.
Day 39. Pretty much Pink pics from here on in. My pissy little lamp i was using to create more natural light for photo's isnt doing anything now that the tent is almost full. Kinda wish i put more thought into where in the room i placed my tent, so i could have access to the little side windows for doing stuff. Sneaking around the plants and then trying to get below their canopy whilst topping up water testing ph and dropping acid in is painful...constantly snapping off leaves and having branches catch on me every which way i move. Could be worse i guess...could have tiny plants that are easy to work around lol.

Day 42.

Few photos of where im at.

- - - Updated - - -

Wish I could get some clip on fans that run off a wall plug in australia. Dont really have room for the oscillating fan now, constantly pruning the edges of the back ladies for me... =(

- - - Updated - - -

Wish I could get some clip on fans that run off a wall plug in australia. Dont really have room for the oscillating fan now, constantly pruning the edges of the back ladies for me... =(
Looking great Gloomy. I'm working in a 1x1m tent and getting 2 small plants in there together isn't working out so good. I need to think about how to get my carbon filter and fan up to the top of my tent
Dat's Alota Light!!!! Wow, sweet jungle!
Day 39. Pretty much Pink pics from here on in. My pissy little lamp i was using to create more natural light for photo's isnt doing anything now that the tent is almost full.

Awesome grow! Great work man.

Hi guys noticed there was some shots being published with that glow from a HPS a few simple steps to showing the true beauty of your ladies.

Before I shoot anything I take the time to white balance my camera so the subject is displaying true colors. Plants looks more attractive in white balance even when they are lid by hps lights or any kind of light really. Most common photos for cannabis community is taking pictures under HPS light, the yellow colors can often hide deficiencies in plants that we don't see, and too much of the yellow we have no idea the true colors of the buds.

For more appealing photos white balance your camera. It works for any light condition, and can also work for LED (purple cast) too.

Some basic (point-n-shoot/DSLR) and advanced (DSLR) tips for white balance.

HPS (left) - White Balance (right)



- Configuration of digital camera white balance for tungsten light sources.

Good for High Pressure Sodium (HPS), any wattage. CFL (warm/softwhite)

- Adjustment of digital white balance for fluorescent lamp light sources.

Good for metal-halide, T5/T8/T12, CFL (daylight).


- (Canon) Custom white balance. Adjusts the presumed white point for digital cameras.

Good for any color temperature. Most accurate white balance. Great for LED.

For custom balance you need a DSLR, unless your camera point-n-shoot camera has custom white balance. What you need is a white printing paper. Before taking pictures of your plants under any lighting, use the paper as a tool to give you accurate colors in your pictures.

- Hold the white paper and fill the view finder with it, it does not have to be in focus. Meter the camera from the paper then take a shot. Go into your camera and select custom white balance and select the photo you just took of the white paper as your source.
- You are now free to shoot and will have color perfect in your photos.
- When you change location and the light is different color temperature, say you were in HPS room (flower) and now you're in MH room (veg), you will need to do this again.

There are fancy white balance tools for your camera (which can cost £10-20) but this is the most inexpensive and fast works the same.

Credit to: Twelve12 (click for original thread)
Yeah my phone is taking the pics. Not much white balance customization available im afraid :)