Live Stoners General Chilli Thread For All

BTW...I find chillies a bit finiky to germinate.........:headbang:..if anyone has any Germ Tips......I'd Love to hear them.........
Best way I’ve found is a few in a properly soaked peat puck under a 6 oz clear cup 5-7 days
the only seeds that popped from lasts years stock.....but i lost the label so dont know what these are:shrug:

jalapeno left serrano right. probably started to late but meh
jalapeno serrano.JPG


i know that bees are important for pollintation of a shitload of fruit n veg,think ive seen 4 this year :frowny:
Damn i planted mine way too late :rolleyes1: You people got some beasts growing.

Our local government put down a ban on using water for outdoor plants and lawns. This poor girl was kinda left to die, but by some miracle still keeps chucking on with minimal water.

Been some hot months with severe drought. Temps range from 27-32c every day.
Think it has rained maby 2 or 3 times the last 2 months.
I have never in my life experienced anything like this happening in my country.
I'll just say we get a lot of snow in winter and water is usually a non-issue.