Indoor GBD's SuperSoil SuperTrial

I put one Red Poison and one Supernatural OG into water to soak a few hours ago, picked up a fresh bag of soil and some new pots earlier, and will mix up my super soil tomorrow with pictures to accompany the process. I'm glad I found this excuse to try a few new strains. Thank you for the suggestions, Trap!
I have decided to run 4 pots for this test, all smaller than the standard 5 gallon that I typically use. The Red Poison and Supernatural OG are in paper towels and I've put an Auto Cush as well as a Chem City Blues x Chemdogging in soak a few hours ago.

Here is the setup.

Two bags of Roots Organics. One to be amended into super soil, the other to be used as a base soil for the top half of the pots. This will allow the young plants to establish themselves before growing into the super soil.


Here is one bag spread out. This makes it easier to mix the amendments in evenly and quickly, as well as to spot any large sticks or chunks of material that may need to be broken up throughout the soil.

At this point I would typically add 1 part earthworm castings and 1 part perlite for every 3 parts of Roots, but I've given the last of my worm castings to a buddy so it is just Roots soil straight out of the bag this time.

Here it is with amendments sprinkled on top. After this I take a rake and mix everything together, pull up the corners of the tarp to have the soil roll over itself, mix it with a rake again, roll it over itself, mix. Until I feel satisfied that it's blended evenly.

These are the four pots that I am using, all approximately 12" inches tall. I saw Eyes using some that resembled the ones on the left so I was happy to find them at a local hydro shop. They're smaller than 5 gallon buckets, but still give enough depth for a long tap root. I think they will be a much more efficient use of soil.

I line the bottom of my pots with expanded clay pellets for added drainage insurance. I started doing this in case someone other than myself has to do the watering. Just a preventative measure really.

Here are the pots filled halfway with the super soil.


The remaining 6" inches is filled with unamended Roots Organics, right from the bag.

And that's it! I'll update when seeds go into rooter plugs.

"AFN smoke out"
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Hey, Cool! Glad to see that you went with Roots Organic since that's the medium
I'm thinking about switching to (albeit the 707 not the original).

Can you characterize the difference in nutrient pre-charge between the original and the 707.
I was told that the 707 was lighter than my Happy Frog but that the original was a bit stronger.

I need to look into it a bit more.

And Green bottom airpots are the 5 gal. equivalent that are actually 3.6 gal so I think
that's a fantastic size for you to run. Exactly twice my capacity at 1.8 gal.

That RO original looks real even in it's texture.

CCB x Chemdoggin' - That's an interesting one...part of the Chemdoggin' test rounds?
Well, very cool. Also nice to have an example of the fully intended method...mixture
incorporation, etc.

Good Luck, gbd! :)

Here's my update for the day - Day 5:

So far there is literally nothing different about my grow, same soil, same amendments,
same pots, same lights, same watering. So everything is going as expected :)

DC- yuki:

BD- trinity:

WT- juno:

I'm a little concerned about juno, her stem hasn't finished "hardening" at the base and is still bulbous and white...
It was worse a couple days ago and has been slowly diminishing but is not yet all the way finished like the other two.
It just reminds me of those images of seedlings that have "damped" or dampened" what's the word? Where they
stay white and fuzzy and fall over dead?

IDK, but the growth at the leaves looks normal. thoughts?
Got new Digs man

Cool beans man,nice looking goings on man.I got my new cloth pots and they are juuust slightly thinner and as tall as my #5's and better built than my current 3 gallon(2.2 true gallon) dirt pots from hydro farm...but this should be reallly nice with my new LED coming and new better thinner pots and new beans?hoooly crapola mang..gone be kinda nifty neato dude lmfao!!:roflcry::Sharing One:I said nifty neato...yo :slaps: :Hookah:

Thats a brand new 5 gallon Dirt pot..a full up 3 gallon dirt pot with an SD bean in it,annnd my new JUST GOT 3 gallon a good deal on a 10 pack.gonna prolly get another 10 pack to be honest..really nice height (12 inches er 12.5) and a solid width(about 8 inches in wide) too.looks like it might even hold a slight bit more than the 3 gallon dirt pot.maybe 2.5 or maaaybe slight bit more.anywho ,they look pots,soil,beans,light?!holy crap im starting over again??:Haha: :crying: Kinda feels like it in a way though lmfao :Sharing One::tiphat:


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Heya, Trap! I have never used anything other than Roots Original and that seems to be plenty light enough for autos to do well in. It is very consistent from bag to bag, and the mix is so light and fluffy that I knew auto's root systems would love it. Apparently there is less perlite in the 707 which would make it less fluffy, but you can always add more if need be. The shop I go to only carries the original soil out of the Roots lineup. It's a great, high quality soil for autos.

I wish I knew more about the Chem City Blues x Chemdogging. It was one of the vials I received when I placed my order for a 3 pack of every strain. After seeing redd's delicious looking Chem crosses and realizing that I had an unknown/ungrown variety I decided on her and Auto Cush as my final candidates.

As far as Juno goes, I'm not familiar with damping off personally but I would give her another few days before pulling her, just in case she's ok. Do you have a replacement? If not I'm sure one could find it's way to you, no problem.

Everything is looking good so far, thanks again for doing this!

Hey, Eyes!

Congratulations on the sweet new digs! What are you using the two pots of super soil that were mixed up for? What new beans do you have on the way? I'm looking forward to seeing you rock the Stone Dragon! Are they typically black plants or was the last one you had a specific black pheno? Exciting times!

Cheers, guys!

"AFN smoke out"
Well, maybe I'll just run original Roots because I know you're right about the fluffiness helping the
roots grow more rapidly, thereby allowing for more energy to be spent on "above ground" construction.

RE - Chem crosses: I think they are the relatively unsung, unheralded massive successes so far of
Mitch's gear. Mine Sour Hound is SO unique, distinctive, pungent, yummy, strong. It really is a
great flavor.

RE - Cush: You know, at first I was unsure about Mary Kate the GC-dom Tyrone. When it was young
it hit like a mule out of the gates but then mellowed a little early (a historically appropriate attribute
of the original Green Crack IIRC) so it was a bit too strong, then fell off the table. But now that it's
cured another couple months, it has refined a little into a "longer wavelength" in frequency, if that
makes any sense. Still hits strong but not a slap, and tapers off more slowly. So I think they are
great choices that you'll be really happy with. I'm itching' to start a Deep Blue C but the 2015 stuff
draws me away. Tough choices.

RE - juno the WT: Oh yeah, she's not going anywhere unless she "timbers" just curious for some
insight as to whether or not anyone had seen that and knew what to expect. She's still hardening
just slowly. Top growth is on track and un-effected.


Those pots DO look like a perfect size, nice grab!

It's going to be great to watch you master a completely different set-up, I think you'll
dig it once you lock it in. Independent of the soil trials here.

Looking primed and ready, my friend!
ya man ,I thought so too lmfao!! I gotta get me another 10 pack.ill be ordering my light monday I think.if i had a credit card id already have ordered it i dont.but WHAT?, i m gonna plant.ill try a cpl of the single mephisto genetics possibly..never ask me unless ive totally agreed to something lmfao!!I change my mind all the time.i have a small pice of beans to look at and those are what Im deciding on spreading around my new grow area lol soo awesome im getting a nicer light and moire plants too!!im almost in heaven lmao! :Sharing One:"AFN smoke out"

ill decide on a cpl beans sometime tonight or tomm and soak two.but I re did the two pots into my new pots and amended a bit more to my liking.I used Lime and 2 eight quart bags of natures care organic potting soil with NPK natural numbers well under 0.5...more like less than 0.2 actually but that pic shows ya.its extremely mild mannered soil,but makes an excellent ,cheap and totally doable soil base.

i took the soil and made a basic layer in the bottom with a few handfuls of mushroom and cow compost with EWC(4 cups ewc) powedered molasses ,peat humus,and an Endo mix.Side note: yeaah Im far from impressed with this 4 spectrum endo mix.itrs very baisc and works excellent when mixed and if you blend your own mix/food fer the beastie dudes n things.But I added a few TBspoons.and a cup of water of so,mixed it up really really well,and plug planted and watered it in..i think thats it.but ill have it going soon.Thanks again fellerz... :Hookah: :Sharing One: "AFN smoke out"


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well I decided..its gonna be One Grand Heft Auto AND a 60 Day Big buddy's wife really really likes the BD..cant say i blame her man,frigin cured up lightly with a nice middle of the road sweetness and a nice cloudy tric kinda really nice buds,I still got a few nuggets too.ok,so i guess thats it lol!ill talk attcha all in a wwek er two. :Hookah::Sharing One:
Chugging along nicely. All 7 are in and coming along. Been working some crazy hours at the office and will get a proper update tomorrow night! Glad to see everyone up and running! 7 Tyrone specials!! Whew, just hope I can get mine, loking 1/2 as good as Trapper got his! Knocking on wood and praying to the canna gods!

My tap is coming out close to 8.5 ph/bubbled and was wondering should I buffer it down, for your mix, gbd? Let me know what you think.