Indoor GBD's SuperSoil SuperTrial

Yuki - Devil Cream - Day 49:

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Yeah, got your money's worth on Krome's "The White" cut. And you were definitely successful in bringing the traits over. Juno was frostier at day 40 then the Devil Cream or the Blue Dream will be when finished. It's pretty crazy. The camera lens doesn't know how to handle the reflections....
Look what I noticed on Juno....


I'm pretty sure those aren't spider webs and they aren't cat hairs. It looks like the upper
sugar leaf was stuck to the lower fan finger and stretched the resin/trich goo as it grew
away/up. So yeah...there's some above average trich coverage on this White Triangle.
Finishing up week 7 with the Tyrone Specials and the gbd plants are keeping up with the Advanced Nutrient plants! the up close shots are of the gbd mix plants and the 2 up front in the pics of the whole lot are the gbd mix as well. Going to let them go to about 75-80 days with 12-14 days of that being a cleanse. On to some pics...


