Like you said in your previous post, "this mix is an easy way for basic new growers to mix a simple soil with minimal additives for ease of growing with less work to the grower." If individuals feel it needs to be amended further than that's up to them. How do you know that you have improvements when you have not even ran one plant with it how it was deigned to be used? There would need to be a baseline to show improvement from. It has been kicking ass for me just how it is, so the use of additional nutes or amendments has been unnecessary. All it was designed for is to be a ready mix for home growers wanting some fantastic natural herb. It's not for gurus like yourself that are used to mixing their own blends. The hardest part of using this mix is just leaving it alone. I know, I've gotten bored with it at times and wanted to mix some nutes up just to feel like I was doing something. I can't stand behind or tell you what sort of outcomes you will have using amended super soil or nutes too early because I don't have experience with that, but I know the mix alone does exactly what it should.
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