Indoor GBD's SuperSoil SuperTrial

and I'm adding only CaMg due to LED's, molasses for myco herd and just a touch of Big Bloom as an all purpose...

But mine's not going well.

At day 25 everything was going 30...circling the drain.

I have a few theories on that.

1. I gave them Equilibrium CaMg once. about .3 tsp. for 1600mL of water.
If the Equilibrium has gone may have been toxic to the plants. It's one
of only a couple x-factors that fit the timeline. I did check and the Equilibrium
does state that it's "natural" but I can't find anywhere where it actually states
that it's organic. So that may be the blunder.

2. I may have over-watered....I usually use Armor Si to strengthen stalks and branches
as well as to increase the tolerance to temperature variance high and low. If the Armor Si
got me used to seeing plants only droop when they are thirsty, then I may have
"misread the tea leaves" but the pots always felt light when I watered them. And subsequent
to the wheels falling off, I have waited extra time to make sure they were dry before
watering again and improvement has not been witnessed.

3. The AMOUNT of water per feed might be the issue. I feel like it has to be at least 600mL
to even get moisture down to the supersoil level to activate it's nutrients...but if I'm getting
it too wet, is it releasing more nutrients than the plant can handle? IDK.

I don't think it's fair to come to any conclusions regarding the efficacy of geeb's mix, but
I do think it may be the case that some of the ways geeb's runs it may be tied to it's
success more closely than has been previously identified.

the plants success up to day 25 seem to indicate that it isn't the Happy Frog or
the nutrients pre-charged in it out of the bag.

Day 25:

Day 29:

Day 32:

The Blue Dream has survived the best but all of them are experiencing very stunted new growth.
They spend about 85-90% of their time in "droopy/limp" status. They all perk up for a couple hours
every now and again but the new growth is barely happening.

IDK, hard to isolate (for me anyway) what happened.

I am going to start another and ONLY give it water up until the point it shows some sort of deficiency
and I'm guessing the first one to exhibit will be calcium.

As to this one....I'll limp them along for another week or so before I start deciding fates. :)

Who knows....maybe this counts as evidence that nothing is needed beyond water, and I shouldn't
have attempted to monkey with it or "fine-tune" at all....

Better Luck to the rest of you guys!
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I'd still give em cal/mag Trapper. I'm giving mine 3 ml per watering/feeding. I know my lights and they suck the cal/mag out pretty quick. Keep on it man!

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this old guy has an interesting theory on calmag.
Heya Trap! Sorry I missed the update. I feel terrible about the state of your ladies and can definitely ship you replacement beans for your time wasted. I wish I could have helped more and I look forward to seeing how they do with water only. All the best!
I'm relatively sure I was trying to get too crafty with additional nutrients and I was watering a bit too much.

Now that I've simmered down to around 650mL of Primo with JUST .25 of CaMg+ (0-0-0)
and ONLY after it gets REAL light...things are coming around nicely. Juno the White Triangle
still has the most recovery to go but all are getting better. I'll never know what was lost but
at least there's reason to finish these gals out :)

Day 34:

Oh, and the pre-flowers on yuki are coming in deep purple :)
sugars/carbs/brix :) food for happy herd. Or at least that's what I've been led to believe.
Id tell ya Vas but Im not allowed to talk about it,lol. thats partly why traps grow had issues too imo.super soil is a very misleading term juuust like organics is in todays market.its FAR from being all its advertised as ,or cracked up to be anyway lol.this mix is an easy way for basic new growers to mix a simple soil with minimal additives for ease of growing with less work to the grower,soil mixer what have n done want to avoid hotter silted products such as a fair bit of BB, or even a lot of..well anything heavily silted that'll settle into the middle of the pot and cause a caustic and tough to get rid of environment.ya cant simply wash it away easily.a surfactant might help or even a soaking of the pot next round.but make no mistakes this is not a living mix.its a simple all inclusive construct of various elements that lend to much lighter feeding and treating of the soil..well thus grow is early'ish on sooo..i'll be able to tell ya more in due course.I only have one out of three that are doing excellent.the other two i think I had bad genes..?dunno..but the BD is looking very nice indeed.
Here is everything in my mix, minus the humic.


Ive already got some seriously nice improvements for ya next trial bro.should be purty user friendly dude.I had my Grand heft auto is just weak from the varied genes doing the funky chicken I guess and the frigin ole berry ryder of mine is doing the same,but worse..?chance happening?prolly but ya never know.the heft I believe it could be and my BR is also a bit older,viable sure but weak it seems as well.but we'll see.ill take a pic of the BD,frigin massive large yeilder type a stalk too.LOL!Im swaping lights today AGAIN lmfao so ill have some up to date pics before the day is out and post them tonight or tomm.Thanks Brutha G for posting the time I see ya ill swing ya some new rasta smoke: :Sharing One: