Indoor GBD's SuperSoil SuperTrial

Beginning of week 3 update. All the ladie are looking like they are indeed, wanting to get their veg on! Using TaNg's original AN schedule for the 5 Tyrones and the 2 gbd pots are getting plain tap with powdered molasses and voodoo, but the are all getting Roots Excellerator. Pulled the led's up a bit and are at 30 inches from the top of the plants. I want to stretch these a bit, as my last few grows have been short, squat, bushy, beasts and I need a bit of node spacing this run. I think the gbs soil-less mix is keeping up with the AN plants. Thats going to be a whole lot of Tryrone Special! Hope this all finds you well and any input would be appreciated! On to some pics...

gbd soil-less mix Tyrone Special


Advanced Nutrients Tyrone Special

The whole family, with the 2 gds soil-less plants front left, the rest are advanced Nutrients plants.
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I like that pot set-up :) Looks nice!
Check it out....the White Triangle, Juno...

pretty early for a 9-fingered leaf :)

briman, you're going to have a sweet stash of Tyrone in no time! Looking great!

Trap, just lovely! I'm a big fan of more fingers on leaves, for no particular reason. Everything looks healthy and lush. Looking forward to the coming growth explosions!

I'm just happy to have 5 fingered hands....:smoke:
Well the two i mixed are doing well.well one of them is slightly discolored a wee tad but overall doing ok i suppose and the WTR did a freak out so Im not gonna spend the slower times it takes to grow them i replaced it with a berry Ryder which is some pretty decently sweetly sweet smoke Thank guys!


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Thanks guys, Looking like I have a bit of room for a few more weeks. Should see some great veg growth in the next several weeks. Might start some Silica going forward.
Looks like juno is about through her little slow-start/funk...

They are all pretty happy campers at the moment :)

yuki is a bit lighter green, but I think a little bit of that is the strain...I'll up her CaMg a bit anyway, JIC...
Looking good Trap! Going to have to get my airports dirty one of these days!
hellz yeah guys.ya'lls plants are looking awesome man!!I cant wait till its harvest time to see whatch all get,awesome lovelies !!:Sharing One: