Outdoor gazs first auto grow big help needed plz...

Jul 25, 2011
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hi there peeps, iv been wanting to grow for sometime,so coz of ease(compared to there relativevs)i chose auto strains,these are the strains iv got, auto ak 47,auto skunk berry,auto northen lights,just juack,low widdow,lemon o matic,lowride 2,and i got a dina critical automatic from dinafem via jf,iv got them germinateing now,and iv got westland organic with ji2 mixed with abit of canna coco and perlite,iv allso got two of the mini green houses witch i plan to keep them in dureing the day then bring them in and put them under a 400watt hps,(WAITING TO ARRIVE FROM EBAY LOL)At night time,wat i need is kind of a time line of events for the autos,as im not to sure on wat to do watto use at wat times,so any pointers ,help,would be greatly appreciated,thanks
Welcome! Best thing I could say to do is read through some grow journals here. There's a number of them. That'd give you a great idea on what is working for folks, and what's not working.

Looking forward to seeing how it all pans out for ya!
thanx og,have u any rcomendations for sumone new to this like myself,thanxs 4 ur reply....peace owt..:)
Just not to "over love" your plants. No overwatering, no overfertilizing, no over-lighting. Be easy on them. CFL's or other fluorescents from sprout until 3-4 nodes and then you can put them under HID lighting. Just don't over love them is the biggest thing.
what about the greenhouse aspect duering the day then hps at night time just to make it up 2 18-20 hrs per day,im just a little late in the season to do an all outdoor grow i think,i know sun light is better than any artifitial lighting isnt it?..im just sifting thrugh various threads now to see if i can find some one who has done it the same sort of way as i,thanx og,cheerz
There's someone either on here or another forum that did that. It worked out just fine for them.
Just not to "over love" your plants.

what he said ^^

Thats the best tip. I could do the outdoor during the day thing but it'll quickly become a pain in the ass coz i'm lazy. Once ye get the 400, keep em under that. Make sure you are carefully checking for bugs while ye have to keep moving in and out.

I seen ye asking about nutes etc, don't feed them before they are 3 weeks old. if all ye can get is tomoto feed then it'll do, the seaweed extract is good in it too, but just do not overdo it. it is easily done and will stunt yer girls.

Don't bother with "potting up". once the main root hits the bottom of the pot you've limited the final size of the plant. if you plant directly into your final pot you usualy end up with a plant size decided by the genetics as long as you don't overfeed, overheat overwater or underwater.

If yer gonna be able to go in and out yer growroom often all through the grow, mix more perlite into yer soil and yer plants will dry out quicker allowing you to water almost everyday. as a beginer you will overwater through overloving.