First AutoFlower Failure (Pics Posted and Help Needed)

Just for clarification purposes.

Gai Green as stated above calls for 3TBS per Gallon of Soil. So I filled up a 5 gallon pot with potting soil, then added in 3TBS per Gallon. So in total I had `5 Tablespoons of 4-4-4 mixed into 5 gallons of Soil. The plan was to water ONLY for the first 4-5 weeks, then would top dress AS NEEDED and portions much much smaller than mixing the MEDIUM to begin with.

As of now, I cranked my lights down to 20% and have kept the temp between 72-80* and the humidity in the tent seems to stay around 60-70% with my fan on low.

I will also be leaving the lights on 24/7 vs 20/4 to avoid temp drops when the lights go off. The crispy little seedling already looks to have new growth started. I am sure it will be a shitty yield, however I will see what happens with that seed and the new ones I started.

Thanks again for all the help!

That's RAD! and I appreciate everyones time to reply!
Just to add here...

A lot of the YouTube videos people are making a super soil. They add dry amendments to a base soil (like Fox Farms Ocean Forest or Happy Frog, Promix, etc.) but they keep the nutrient rich soil for the bottom half of the pot and fill with lighter soil on top. In this scenario, you can add a little to the soil because you will be providing a lighter soil for the seedlings. If you're going the Super Soil way, there is a lot of information available.

BINGO~ I think most in here missed I was doing a SUPER SOIL mix
Did you have a lighter mix at the top (or dig out a few cups in the middle for lighter soil)? That's typical of super soils since the hotter soil can cause problems for seedlings.

No, I mixed it all up, germinated my seed in a paper towel. After I had a taproot about 1" long I transplanted to 5 gallon mix. As most have said, prob a mix of hot soil and way too much light for a seedling.

Made some adjustments and will update thread in a few days and weeks
Quick Update for those who are following and offered help.

Reduced lights down to 20% and made some adjustments to maintain better temps and humidity.

Sticking to a 24hr light schedule, was getting a big temp drop for the 4hours I had the lights off. Typically going from 75-80 down to 65

Anyhow, the cup was mixed 50/50 with my original super soil and just some old generic stuff I had in my shed.

Dropped the seed into the cup and I also dropped another seed direct into the 5 gallon bucket.

As of today the cup has broke ground 😀

Keeping the lights at 20% until I get better growth and start to see it reaching for light.

Fingers crossed this time.


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Day 8
Been keeping temps around 77 and humidity around 70% with the lights at 20% and running 24hours.
I was going to suggest starting in a solo cup at least then potting up your young plant should be able to handle your soil as I start absolutely everything in solo cups

Germinated 1 seed in my original super soil that everyone says is too “hot” and a second seed in a 1 cup with a base soil with no added fertilizers.

Keep lights at 20% temps at 75 and humidity around 70-80%

1 cup sprouted first and took off. The 5 gallon sprouted a day later and was much slower growing.

After week 2 I transplanted the 1 cup to the other 5 gallon pot ( mixed with Ocean 75 and happy frog at the top for transplant) sadly the bottom of the root system came off during transfer even being super careful.

As you can see the original super soul plant found it’s stride and made progress while the other is recovering from the transfer.

Only planned on one plant, so if both yield on my first grow I’ll be happy.

Lights are up to about 35% and about 18” from plants.

When should I increase light PAR?

I also read heavy on Topping. Decided for first grow since I have 2 plants in this 2x2 I won’t tip this time and try to cause more issues as I’m a Noob!

Temps are now around 75-77 consistent with 50-55% humidity. Have a small dehumidifier and fan blowing 24/7


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I've noticed over the year that the weather outside will affect my indoor grow. Temps go lower in winter when the lights go out. It kind of threw me at first because I would do the exact same thing I did last time but get drastically different results. The room gets colder in the winter. Also if I ran all three lights 18 hours, the room barely cooled at all durring lights out. In mid winter I tried staggering the on/off times for three tents. That kept the room temps pretty steady. I ran a space heater outside of the tents when I had to start up in the cold and the seedlings didn't need enough light to warm the room. I cringe when I see space heaters in a tent. Get a smoke alarm and fire extinguisher to go with that please. Do it for me. I'll sleep better.
Wife and I finally decided to try our hand at an AutoFlower grow. Tons of info online, between forums and YouTube. Here was the plan of attack
2x2x4 Tent
Viparspectra XS1500 LED
Honeywell Fan
5 gallon Mesh Pots
Northen Lights Auto Flower (Growers Choice Seeds)

Step 1: Germinated in a wet paper towel and after 4 days had a 3/4" taproot
Step 2: Bought 2 bags of this: (Potting Soil)
Mixed Gai Green 4-4-4 and Gai Green 2-8-4 (Did 4 TBS per 1gal or the 4-4-4 and 2 per 1 gal of the 2-8-4)
Mixed it well and gave it a light watering.
Step 3: 1" inch hole and dropped seeling in, taproot down. Light watering. Used bottled water (PH was 6.0) and continued to water with bottled water, I do have a RO/DI system (not setup yet)
Step 4: Lights were about 24-30" above seedling and 75% power and temps were 72-88 with humidity around 50-75% during the time shifts.
Step 5: Doing a 20/4 light cycle. (When lights go off for 4 hours, temps always go to about 68 and then back to around 75 when lights are on)
Step 6: Seedling broke surface and looked good for day days.
Step 7: First time growing, just tried to keep the plant not to dry or to wet
Step 8: about 8 days in and was happy, then noticed 2 leaves kinda looking yellow and the no growth on the leaves.
Step 9: Read like crazy and confuses, maybe I overwatered and stunted the seedling, lights to intense not sure.
Step 10: Use my Bluelab Soil Pen and check my soild PH is 7.5 to 7.6 WTF?

I have a bluelab Soil Pen and PH Pen - I am thinking the Potting Soil we bought had to much fertilizer in it with me adding the Gai Green? First ever grow so tried to cover everything, but missed something.

Any ideas where I went wrong and what I should adjust? I think I need to get a more relaxed potting soil and add like 10% cocoa

Mostly watched MR. Canucks Grows and got most the stuff he uses. I just want to make some mix and add water and top off with nutrients when needed. Thought I had this covered.

This is 14 days from breaking surface. There are No ROOTS, basically broke surface, grew 2 new leaves, got me pyshced, then didn't grow at all in size, started to go yellow and now that. I tried to dry out the pot and obviously that turned it into this crusty thing. I think this is a loser, going to germinate a new one in a paper towel and try to drop a seed into a smaller cup and start that way and transplant after about 15 days if that goes well?

That's the tent setup - leaving lights at 75% to much this early?
Autoflower got stressed from the start and if autos not usally foot tall by week 3 usally u will only have maybe 7g-28g max and thats going be on the happy side if all works out with nit the greatest autoz and messed up