The soil im using is germ soil and it was in a clear zip lock 5lb bag they mixed.When i did the germ i had bought a heating germ mat and thermostat and dome with rockwool cause i had issues popping the seed,so when i went to hydro store guy sold me all that and i said i have some very good tomato seeds and want to guarentee the grow he said to adjust ph level to 5.5 to 6 and keep thermostat on 80 or 79.So i planted another seed Within 3 days it popped and that 1 is in the pic.But previous to all thatI had planted a black crem in veg/flower soil it never popped now i have it in rockwool on the germ mat and it still wont pop . Did i kill or hurt the seed?
So the hydro guy sold you a 5lb mix of his germ mix? And then you also have a veg soil mix? The veg soil could've been way too strong and killed it but also You really don't water seeds when they're germing,you water the medium and have it moist before putting the seed in and then let it germ and grow till the medium is a tad dry, so I'm thinking you might've drowned it if you watered it while germing. And that kills it, while germing you have to keep it moist not wet, if it's in the rock wool try to see if you can see the seed and what's going on with it very very carefully. But since you now have a germination kit with a dome, heat mat, and rock wool I would suggest you start using and learning it. Personally I don't use rock wool as the moving it into soil scares me that I might hurt it's roots, so I use jiffy pellets and dome. I put the seed in the pellet, when the seed pops I take off dome, after about a few days I then place the pellet unto it's final pot with some "germ" soil around the pellet. But that's just my method and there's many methods in here that work great also. I believe the hydroponic guys use rock wool more than us soil guys so you might have a look around the hydro forum