Indoor @Garage_Grower grows - Mephisto + Dutch Passion + Sweet Seeds

Week 3 (Canuk Seeds - Purple Kush, and Cheese)

Day 21 for these two ladies, and they are both starting to round out in shape from being topped. Purple Kush is abit bigger then Cheese, with both being healthy and happy. I’ll start opening some branches up with LST once they start stretching abit.

Current feed is 3g/gal MC, 1/4tsp/gal SC. They also received their last foliar feed of Optic Overgrow. Each plant is getting 1L of feed every second day at the moment.

Purple Kush



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super sticky gloves :smoking:youngins look spot on :thumbsup: supercropping worked a treat :biggrin: a whisp of purple in the garden :kiss: its all lookin good :greenthumb:
breeders get the data from a handfull of top top growers.unless your a top top grower :eyebrows: pinch of salt and all that.some breeders finish estimates are better than others :coffee: some are pretty near accurite,some pretty close+1 week,50% +2 weeks and the odd freaky one like a (dont know lots of breeders) northern lights rumour thats its easy grow....some go 120 days and are the exact opposite of what a 1st timer auto grower so sorry,mini rant just came outa me :dizzy:
i grow in 3L pots sometimes 6L pots and the odd time 1L not seeing quicker plants because of smaller pots :shrug: but thats me and im weird :nono:
good luck n keep er lit
:oops1: sorry.....6L isnt very big.....maybe if i grew in 12L my plants would take longer ? so the theory could still be correct :thumbsup:
i thought my 3L harvests would be 1/2 or less of my 6L pot grows........but its more like 2/3rds ish,so that theory dont compute with me again...ya see wierd i run 19/5
keep er lit
@Garage_Grower Looking great! You’re killing it! I’ll be running another Double Grape as well soon, she is a frost-making machine. I’m looking forward to seeing this grow finish up. Best of luck
Week 7 (Devil Cream, Double Grape, Grape Walker Kush)

Day 49 for these monsters. Double Grape and Devil Cream have both officially outgrown the cabinet (72” tall) which I did not think would happen at all :doh:. Both have had their necks snapped, and I’m sure there will still be more to come. GWK is sitting at 60” tall, starting to frost, and looking awesome!

Current feed strength is 3-3.5g MC, 1/4tsp/gal SC, 1g/gal BE. Slight tip burn on the DG, so I’ll be backing off the MC to 2.75-3g/gal. Each plant is drinking 4L every day.


Double Grape


Grape Walker Kush

Devil Cream
(Needs another neck breaking)
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I'm planning on running one maybe 2 mephisto strains. I can't decide yet. SODK is at the top of the list, but im not sure yet. DP's critical orange punch , Lemon. AK, Blue dreamatic and something from Ace. That's my list so far. Any thoughts on the Mephisto strains would be appreciated. I need more yield this run.
I'm planning on running one maybe 2 mephisto strains. I can't decide yet. SODK is at the top of the list, but im not sure yet. DP's critical orange punch , Lemon. AK, Blue dreamatic and something from Ace. That's my list so far. Any thoughts on the Mephisto strains would be appreciated. I need more yield this run.
SODK was a nice yielder for me (4oz) very tasty smoke as well, definitely recommend doing one at some point! Double grape is a frost machine that reeks of sweetness, also highly recommended!
Week 4 (Canuk Seeds - Purple Kush, and Cheese)

Day 28
for both of these two in the 1gal pots, and everyone is still cruising along. Both have started flowering with the Purple Kush being ahead by abit. I couldnt find any breeder info for the time frames, so we’ll just wing it. :smoking:

Feed strength is currently 3g/gal MC, 1/4tsp/gal SC, and 0.5g/gal BE, and a few pebbles of CMP tossed in for good luck, with each plant getting 0.75-1L every two days or so. :hump:

Purple Kush
Opened her up and evened out the 6 main tops. She was very easy to train with pipe cleaners and clothes pins, and didn’t mind to be tied down at all. It was right when lights came on when I took the pic, so she was abit limp leaved.


She’s small and stout, but should start stretching out here within the week. I also opened it up with some lst, and have been tucking the fan leaves down to get some new tops coming from the middle of the plant. If all goes well it should turn out to be a nice little bush all in the end!

Week 8 (Devil Cream, Double Grape, Grape Walker Kush)

Day 55 for the 3 big girls in the cabinet. Bud sites are starting to fill in, frost up, and man does it smell good in there! Super sweet aromas from all the plants, and anytime you brush against one you are instantly a sticky mess.

Feed strength is 2.5g/gal MC, 0.75g/g BE, 1/4tsp/gal SC, and 3ml/gal GH CaliMagic (lower N amount then the CMP) since the Devil Cream started showing a calcium deficiency from living mere inches under the autocobs. :eyebrows:

Grape Walker Kush (left) and Devil Cream (right)

Double Grape

Family photo
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